Healthy Living Habits To Prevent Diabetes

In order to prevent diabetes, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and keep stress and sleeping patterns under control. Finding ways to improve your lifestyle so that your risk of developing this condition is lowered can go a long way toward helping you and others … Read more

Is The Eight Hours of Sleep Rule a Myth?

The answer is simply No, eight hours of sleep is essential. Sleep loss has general psychological and physiological results, such as damaged memory and body changes, changes to metabolism, and the functioning of the immune system, among other matters. Epidemiological studies suggest that the connection between sleep duration and the risk of developing various fitness … Read more

The Impact Of Caffeine and Coffee on Human Health

Is caffeine good for the body? So does caffeine affect your health and body, the answer is sure since caffeine is known to be a stimulant. If you have ever drunk caffeine or caffeine food before, whatever happened to you or felt is a stimulant. Caffeine makes you feel more activated and alert for some … Read more

Is Eating Cupcakes Bad for You? Is It Healthy? – SaluBris Health

We wouldn’t stand against any food or product and we don’t think it would be accurate to label a particular food as healthy or unhealthy. There are different kinds of cupcakes and not all cupcakes are equal. It’s all relative. If you are to compare a strawberry to a cupcake, you could say the strawberry … Read more

Take Advantage Of Physical Fitness Now – Read These Health Tips

“How boring Exercise is” is an expression people make when they exercise, but don’t know how good exercising the body can be. Believe me, once you get to the bottom of today’s physical fitness tips, you will learn the importance of exercise and you will even get habitual with exercise to live an enjoyable and … Read more

What Happens If I Eat 3 To 5 Eggs A Day? Explained SaluBris

Eggs are one perfect food you need in your diet because they contain almost all the important nutrients your body needs including zinc, calcium, protein, vitamin A, B2, B5, B6, B12, D, and E.  One to two eggs per day should be safe, however, consuming three to five eggs can cause severe health issues. This … Read more

Can Lemon Help To Lower Sugar Levels ? This Will Help You Decide! – SaluBris

Lemon is high in the amount of vitamin C and soluble fiber capable of reducing heart risk diseases and is one fruit recommended by the American Diabetes Association for people with diabetes. Lemons do not contain much sugar and have a sour taste. A medium lemon weighs 50 to 60 grams with 16.8 calories and … Read more

How To Make Ginger-Lemon Tea – SaluBris

Ginger Lemon tea is a traditional tea that can help you lose weight by reducing cancer and insulin resistance in the body. Furthermore, Ginger Lemon tea also reduces hunger time and can help everyone lose weight easily. It is rich in vitamin C which boosts immunity and guards the body against some bacteria.  Here is … Read more