Common Causes of Female Infertility

Since infertility is strongly related to the reproductive system of men and women, let us start with the understanding on how our reproductive system works. This time we will focus on the female reproductive system. Two vital organs included in a woman’s system are the uterus and ovaries. Ovary is the organ that produces the … Read more

10 Health Benefits Of Dates Fruit You Never Knew

Phoenix dactylifera is a chewy and sweet fruit packed with lots of minerals vitamins and fiber which are widely cultivated across northern and southern Africa and the Middle East. However, you don’t have to go to Africa to get dates you will find dry dates in all the supermarkets worldwide, and in this article, we will explore … Read more

Scientists Say That Highly Processed Foods, Such as Donuts, Cereal, and Pizza, Are Just As Addictive And Harmful As CIGARETTES

On the one hand, there is a widely held view that what is on the shelves of supermarkets falls into one of three categories: food, drugs, and cosmetics. On the other hand, there is a growing chorus of voices who believe that highly-processed foods should be reclassified as drugs. The current processing industry is becoming … Read more

Never Cut Your Meat and Fish Diet – Exhaustion, Low Mood and Being Short Of breath Are All Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Exhaustion, low mood, and being short of breath are all symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency— and the over-60s and vegans are especially at risk. Carly Minsky, in her mid-20s, cut out meat and fish from her diet and was motivated by the health benefits of a plant-based diet. In her first diet style, she felt … Read more

Wet Hair Won’t Get You Cold – Experts Solution To Cold

Going out with wet hair WON’T give you a cold but drinking orange juice might beat the sniffles: Top experts separate the facts from the fiction for common old wives’ tales. If you find yourself needing to rush out with wet hair especially on a cold winter day, then you don’t have to worry about getting ill. … Read more

7 Gross Mistakes That Ruin Your Chances With Women

Men, we ruin most of our chance when we meet ladies and it isn’t the ladies’ fault but before you ever get to meet her it is already ruined due to the things about you or on you that is pushing them away like the false part of a magnet. But today Men, Pro Men … Read more

Causes Of Bad Breath In Men And Treatment

Bad breath in men, which is medically known as bad breath, is a common problem in men. Bad breath is usually simple and unavoidable. Dietary factors, tobacco, and alcohol can cause bad breath. Poor oral hygiene, gum disease, dental conditions, or oral infections can also cause bad breath.  Infections of the lungs, sinuses, or respiratory … Read more

Healthy Living Habits To Prevent Diabetes

In order to prevent diabetes, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and keep stress and sleeping patterns under control. Finding ways to improve your lifestyle so that your risk of developing this condition is lowered can go a long way toward helping you and others … Read more

Could Botox Be Harming Your Health? Benefits And Side Effects

Over the last decade, botox has become a popular treatment for numerous cosmetic procedures. It was one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in America, with 1.9 million procedures performed in 2015 alone, and was injected into patients to help treat wrinkles and fine lines are put in place to prevent them from forming in … Read more