Take Advantage Of Physical Fitness Now – Read These Health Tips

“How boring Exercise is” is an expression people make when they exercise, but don’t know how good exercising the body can be. Believe me, once you get to the bottom of today’s physical fitness tips, you will learn the importance of exercise and you will even get habitual with exercise to live an enjoyable and … Read more

Here Are 10 Ways To Wake Up With Lots Of Energy Faster – SaluBris

Who is a champion, a champion is a person who has surpassed all rivals, all troubles, and keeps on training the body to win every single day, but here is the case you hear the bells or alarm ring and you hit and keep on hitting, saying shut up?  I know waking up strong in … Read more

What Kind Of Pillow Do I Need When I’m Sleeping |100% Better Using These Strategies

Questions are ongoing about “What kind of pillow do I need when I’m sleeping.” Well, pillows are based on what you prefer, some may prefer firm ones and others may prefer soft pillows. From our research, almost 40% of people like to sleep with 2 pillows, but what happens is it ends up putting your … Read more

Omg! The Best 5 Health Apps Ever For Android – SaluBris

We are going to list applications on android that can help you improve your life and well-being. In 2019, 68.7 million people were recorded installing health apps and in 2020, 87.4 million people were also recorded installing health apps. Beginning from 2020 to 2021, 65.3 thousand and over was the total number of apps available … Read more

5 Life-Saving Tips About Chronic Disease |SaluBris

More than half of young U.S. adults have a chronic health condition and chronic conditions are common, and also a major cause of death and other disorders such as disabilities.  Back in 2019, 18-34 years reported that they had chronic conditions, which was half a percentage, and currently keeps on rising. Chronic diseases are mostly … Read more

5 Yoga Exercise To Boost Erectile Blood Flow By Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Talking about the pelvic muscle, Dr. Hansaji suggests some yoga, which would strengthen the pelvic muscles and increase the flow of blood during an erection. Here they are: (Adho mukha svanasana) Downward Dog Pose (Adho mukha svanasana). The Adho mukha svanasana or Downward Dog Pose activates brain cells and stimulates the brain, and also this pose … Read more

Haven’t You Heard About Dr. Hansaji Yogendra: Here Are 6 Ways Cure Impotency

Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra Hansa Yogendra (born in 1947) is an Indian yoga guru and researcher. She is the director of The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, founded by her father-in-law Shri Yogendra.  Conditions like impotence and erectile malfunctioning have become some lifestyle problems. In today’s tips, SaluBris has researched tips from Dr. Hansaji that will give … Read more