10 Health Benefits Of Dates Fruit You Never Knew

Phoenix dactylifera is a chewy and sweet fruit packed with lots of minerals vitamins and fiber which are widely cultivated across northern and southern Africa and the Middle East. However, you don’t have to go to Africa to get dates you will find dry dates in all the supermarkets worldwide, and in this article, we will explore … Read more

The 15 Health Benefits Of Nyanya Leaves Revealed – SaluBris

Reference from Wikipedia Link: Click Here To Read About Momordica Foetida Nyanya. Momordica Foetida plant is a climbing vine related to bitter melon and balsam apple. It is mostly found in wooded grasslands or woodland. It has the shape of the heart and irregular edges. Furthermore, it is made up of fruits, that countries like … Read more

How To Make Hibiscus Tea, Sobolo, Zobo, or Bissap Drink – Mom’s Favourite Drink

WHAT IS SOBOLO OR HIBISCUS TEA? Hibiscus tea is a traditional herbal tea that is made by boiling flowers hibiscus plant. Hibiscus tea is commonly known as Sobolo or Zobo in Ghana and is a nutritious drink you can serve and enjoy. 10 HEALTH BENEFITS OF HIBISCUS TEA Lowers blood pressure Protects with antioxidants Fights … Read more

Can Lemon Help To Lower Sugar Levels ? This Will Help You Decide! – SaluBris

Lemon is high in the amount of vitamin C and soluble fiber capable of reducing heart risk diseases and is one fruit recommended by the American Diabetes Association for people with diabetes. Lemons do not contain much sugar and have a sour taste. A medium lemon weighs 50 to 60 grams with 16.8 calories and … Read more

How To Make Ginger-Lemon Tea – SaluBris

Ginger Lemon tea is a traditional tea that can help you lose weight by reducing cancer and insulin resistance in the body. Furthermore, Ginger Lemon tea also reduces hunger time and can help everyone lose weight easily. It is rich in vitamin C which boosts immunity and guards the body against some bacteria.  Here is … Read more

How To Make A Healthy Tiger Nuts Drink – SaluBris

Today, SlauBris is making a tiger nut healthy drink. Tiger nuts also known as earth almonds are not really nuts but edible tubers with great nutrition.  Tiger nut drink is a nutritious drink that contains lots of nutrition that can improve digestion, reduce blood levels of sugar, boost the immune system and improve the heart … Read more

How To Prepare Prekese Drink – SaluDrink

Aiden Fruit or Tetrapleura tetraptera (PrÉ›kÉ›sÉ›) is a well know herbal plant in the family of Fabaceae in West Africa and is denoted for treating lots of disorders including high blood pressure, weight loss, fibroids, and increased fertility. In Western Africa, PrÉ›kÉ›sÉ› is used in making soup due to the sweat aroma it gives to … Read more

The Right Way to Use Aloe Vera for Acne/Pimple – SaluBris

Aloe vera is a popular anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and scar reduction and is one of the oldest methods used to remove acne and dark spots.  It can treat sunburns, burns itself, and cure wounds, and cuts.  Here is How to Use Aleo Vera To Remove Acne or Pimples. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze … Read more

OMG! Top 10 Best Health Benefits Of Prekese Ever – SaluBris

Tetrapleura tetraplera (Prekese In Ghana) is a species of flowering plant in the pea family with various healing advantages. Prekese has a strong smell which serves as a propellant for mosquitoes.  In Ghana, it is added to dishes such as soup to boost the aroma of the food. Prekese is capable of curing several diseases … Read more