Is The Eight Hours of Sleep Rule a Myth?

8 hours of sleep myth

The answer is simply No, eight hours of sleep is essential.

Sleep loss has general psychological and physiological results, such as damaged memory and body changes, changes to metabolism, and the functioning of the immune system, among other matters.

Epidemiological studies suggest that the connection between sleep duration and the risk of developing various fitness situations, such as heart muscle failure or cardiovascular disease and despair, follows a U-form curve, in which the best and average most excellent sleep period is 7 to 8 hours and wherein both an excessive amount of and too little sleep cause destructive fitness effects.

Furthermore, sleep loss or less sleep can make you fat, affects glucose metabolism and type 2 Diabetes risk, and affects emotions and social interactions. 

Several types of research prove that little sleep has contributed to cancer, decreased the level of reproductive health, affected alertness, and improved skin diseases.

From our experience, a person failing to sleep the whole night (0 hours of sleep) has a bloated face, watery eyes, and also rough skin.

People who sleep for only 4 hours also have a bloated face, defined eye bags, and sometimes rough skin.

But people with 8 hours of sleep look well rested, healthy, energetic, and have nice-looking skin.

Few people can perform well, stay healthy, and feel rested and refreshed on less than 8 hours of sleep per night, while some might need more than 8 hours of rest. It’s very individual. So the average of eight hours of sleep each night is the standard for everyone.

Sleep and weight loss per se are essential since a good sleeping routine can improve concentration and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke which are also associated with weight gain but we wouldn’t encourage you to sleep more to lose weight. If you had sleep more to lose weight intention, then that’s not what we meant but a good 8 hours of sleep routine can be beneficial to you.  


That is a conclusion to the 8 hours of sleep myth and note that along with nutrition and exercise, a night of good sleep is one of the standing pillars for your health. You cannot gain optimal health without taking care of your sleep.

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