How To Make Ginger-Lemon Tea – SaluBris

ginger lemon tea recipes

Ginger Lemon tea is a traditional tea that can help you lose weight by reducing cancer and insulin resistance in the body. Furthermore, Ginger Lemon tea also reduces hunger time and can help everyone lose weight easily. It is rich in vitamin C which boosts immunity and guards the body against some bacteria. 

Here is how to make Ginger Lemon tea.


  • Sliced peeled Ginger
  • 2 Cups of water
  • A lemon
  • Honey


  1. Place sliced Ginger in a cooking pot and add two
    cups of water.
  2. Leave it to boil on fire for about 15 to 20
  3. Now Strain the Ginger to acquire the liquid.
  4. Add half of the Lemon juice to your drink.
  5. Then add raw honey to taste.
  6. You can now pour it into a glass and serve it warm.

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