OMG! Replace Energy Drinks With This New Secret Drink and Why Finally Revealed

During sports or cardio workouts and heavy aerobic sports, or in our daily lives, when looking for drinks that would keep you going and hydrated, it is mostly said to be found in energy drinks but all these monster drinks or energy drinks make promises that they scientifically cannot keep.  Most energy drinks are made … Read more

Take Advantage Of Physical Fitness Now – Read These Health Tips

“How boring Exercise is” is an expression people make when they exercise, but don’t know how good exercising the body can be. Believe me, once you get to the bottom of today’s physical fitness tips, you will learn the importance of exercise and you will even get habitual with exercise to live an enjoyable and … Read more

Top 5 Best Health SmartWatches In Ghana – Are They Worth Buying?

Like many other smartwatches, SaluBris is listing five cheap health smartwatches you can buy and wear to measure your health metrics including your heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, stress levels, and breathing rate, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. We are not just selecting them because they are cheap but they are effective to use at … Read more

Walking, Jogging And Cycling Help Reduce Fat And Lose Weight (Permanently) – SaluBris

To our research, Walking, Jogging and Cycling help reduce fat and lose weight (permanently). It also restores the body’s fat balance and has other health benefits related to the body’s fat and sugar levels. Weight Lose Through Walking. If you really want to lose weight then start learning how to walk. Walking is one of … Read more

What Kind Of Pillow Do I Need When I’m Sleeping |100% Better Using These Strategies

Questions are ongoing about “What kind of pillow do I need when I’m sleeping.” Well, pillows are based on what you prefer, some may prefer firm ones and others may prefer soft pillows. From our research, almost 40% of people like to sleep with 2 pillows, but what happens is it ends up putting your … Read more

Mental Health Is Not Associated With Gaming, Unless You Are An Addict

I have been a gamer throughout my life and gaming itself is not harmful to mental health, but unless you become an addict.  Currently, gaming has become a culture for some people and anytime a new game is released, everyone seeks to have a look at it. Games do not appear to damage the mental … Read more