Can Lemon Help To Lower Sugar Levels ? This Will Help You Decide! – SaluBris

Can Lemon Help To Lower Sugar Levels

Lemon is high in the amount of vitamin C and soluble fiber capable of reducing heart risk diseases and is one fruit recommended by the American Diabetes Association for people with diabetes.

Lemons do not contain much sugar and have a sour taste. A medium lemon weighs 50 to 60 grams with 16.8 calories and 5.42 grams of carbohydrates and also has 1.45 grams of sugar.

Glycemic is how quick and high foods cause the blood glucose level to increase and lemon has a glycemic index of 34, which makes lemon a low glycemic fruit.

Traditionally, lemon is one of the fruits with high and beneficial medicinal value. Lemon itself is a citric fruit with citric acid and is called a “citric acid warehouse”.

Citric acid helps in energy metabolism, prevents kidney stones, and promotes insulin secretion. 

It is worth mentioning that eriocitrin is a special ingredient contained in lemons, which is associated with blood glucose support, and improvement in antioxidant and cardiovascular support which other fruits and vegetables do not have. It also reduces excess fats in the liver, kidneys, and blood, and prevents diabetes complications.

With all the above, Lemon is one natural fruit that can reduce sugar levels in the body.

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