Is Eating Cupcakes Bad for You? Is It Healthy? – SaluBris Health

We wouldn’t stand against any food or product and we don’t think it would be accurate to label a particular food as healthy or unhealthy. There are different kinds of cupcakes and not all cupcakes are equal. It’s all relative. If you are to compare a strawberry to a cupcake, you could say the strawberry … Read more

What Happens If I Eat 3 To 5 Eggs A Day? Explained SaluBris

Eggs are one perfect food you need in your diet because they contain almost all the important nutrients your body needs including zinc, calcium, protein, vitamin A, B2, B5, B6, B12, D, and E.  One to two eggs per day should be safe, however, consuming three to five eggs can cause severe health issues. This … Read more