[Acne] Suggestions For Underarm Acne |SaluBris

If you are having some kind of acne around your underarms or armpit then this is the right article for you. Try Different Deodorants. Deodorants are to prevent odor but some deodorants cause acne in your armpit or underarms. Prolong use of certain products sometimes makes the body sensitive which can cause these disorders. So … Read more

Add This To Your Diet! 10 Foods That Resemble Your Body Parts

If you never knew, fruits and vegetables are made to look like certain parts of the human body, and when these foods are eaten, they produce essential nutrients to areas that look pretty like them.  There are many foods in nature that appear to resemble these organs or body parts that are beneficial for them … Read more

What Kind Of Pillow Do I Need When I’m Sleeping |100% Better Using These Strategies

Questions are ongoing about “What kind of pillow do I need when I’m sleeping.” Well, pillows are based on what you prefer, some may prefer firm ones and others may prefer soft pillows. From our research, almost 40% of people like to sleep with 2 pillows, but what happens is it ends up putting your … Read more

How To Prepare Prekese Drink – SaluDrink

Aiden Fruit or Tetrapleura tetraptera (Prɛkɛsɛ) is a well know herbal plant in the family of Fabaceae in West Africa and is denoted for treating lots of disorders including high blood pressure, weight loss, fibroids, and increased fertility. In Western Africa, Prɛkɛsɛ is used in making soup due to the sweat aroma it gives to … Read more

10 Foods to Improve Preggers and Baby’s Brain During Pregnancy – SaluBris

SaluBris is about health, and health tips are based for everyone including babies. Maintaining a healthy diet is important even when you are pregnant and after giving birth. Today SaluBris will list the top 10 foods you need to eat to promote a healthy pregnancy and after a period. Aidan Fruit (Prekese) This fruit is … Read more

Omg! The Best 5 Health Apps Ever For Android – SaluBris

We are going to list applications on android that can help you improve your life and well-being. In 2019, 68.7 million people were recorded installing health apps and in 2020, 87.4 million people were also recorded installing health apps. Beginning from 2020 to 2021, 65.3 thousand and over was the total number of apps available … Read more

Mental Health Is Not Associated With Gaming, Unless You Are An Addict

I have been a gamer throughout my life and gaming itself is not harmful to mental health, but unless you become an addict.  Currently, gaming has become a culture for some people and anytime a new game is released, everyone seeks to have a look at it. Games do not appear to damage the mental … Read more

5 Life-Saving Tips About Chronic Disease |SaluBris

More than half of young U.S. adults have a chronic health condition and chronic conditions are common, and also a major cause of death and other disorders such as disabilities.  Back in 2019, 18-34 years reported that they had chronic conditions, which was half a percentage, and currently keeps on rising. Chronic diseases are mostly … Read more

The Right Way to Use Aloe Vera for Acne/Pimple – SaluBris

Aloe vera is a popular anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and scar reduction and is one of the oldest methods used to remove acne and dark spots.  It can treat sunburns, burns itself, and cure wounds, and cuts.  Here is How to Use Aleo Vera To Remove Acne or Pimples. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze … Read more