10 Foods to Improve Preggers and Baby’s Brain During Pregnancy – SaluBris

preggers diet salubris

SaluBris is about health, and health tips are based for everyone including babies. Maintaining a healthy diet is important even when you are pregnant and after giving birth. Today SaluBris will list the top 10 foods you need to eat to promote a healthy pregnancy and after a period.

Aidan Fruit (Prekese)

This fruit is capable of reducing hypertension, and blood loss and produces essential milk and nutrients needed for preggers.  It contains iron, vitamin, calcium, and zinc which supports and strengthens your immune system.


Vitamin A, C, fiber, iron, and folic acid are essential during pregnancy and spinach has these nutrients. Spinach also is high in iron for strong bones and can also improve the baby’s red blood cells.


Vitamin C is essential in preggers. It repairs tissues, heals wounds, and promotes strong baby bones and teeth and orange is one of the fruit you can get Vitamin C from. Oranges have 90% of water which is essential for preggers.


I always give bananas to my pregnant wife because of the presence of Vitamin B-6 which reduces vomiting during pregnancy and has a high level of potassium which fights fatigue. It also helps to fight any pregnancy-related constipation. So when you go, carry a banana.


Grapes are common to get and they are generally fine when it comes to pregnancy. They are high in fiber and water and contain vitamins for pregnancy.


This was a recommendation from one visit to the hospital. Preggers are advised to eat carrots to have good skin, teeth, and healthy bones. These benefits are also essential to babies. Carrots can also reduce constipation.


Preggers need a strong immune system to fight diseases and honey is one essential antiviral and antibacterial to help you stay strong and healthy. Honey boosts the immune system and fights diseases or any infection during pregnancy. Note that you may only take in honey when pregnant, we would advise you not to give honey to a newborn baby until the baby is 3 years and above.

Instead of Salt, Eat Sea Salt.

For the baby’s health, we would advise you to eat sea salt or add sea salt to your food. The essential iodine is found in sea salt. Sea salt contains manganese, zinc, phosphorus, and iron for strong bones and a healthy baby.

Popcorn and Groundnut.

Raga! Popcorn and nuts have a high level of Vitamin E and fiber which can improve your digestion. Consuming popcorn and nut regular can alleviate constipation. Nuts are rich in omega-6, and magnesium and contain healthy fats.

Oat Meal.

There are lots of preggers out there who hate oatmeal, but today you would have to stop it. If you are always weak in the morning, then grab some oatmeal every morning. Oatmeal will help you gain back the energy you need and keep you full for longer. 

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