[Acne] Suggestions For Underarm Acne |SaluBris

How do I get rid of pimples in my armpits

If you are having some kind of acne around your underarms or
armpit then this is the right article for you.

Try Different Deodorants.

Deodorants are to prevent odor but some deodorants cause
acne in your armpit or underarms. Prolong use of certain products sometimes
makes the body sensitive which can cause these disorders. So switching
deodorants can help you solve this problem.

Panoxy Acne Cleanser.

I know a few people using Panoxy acne cleanser for their
underarm and have said it is effective to remove odor, acne, and ingrown. So we
would recommend you give it a try. If you have kids around you that are
sensitive to smell, then CeraVe moisturizing cream is best.

Try Watermelon.

Cut and scrub your armpit with fresh watermelon. It fights
clogged pores and oily skin which causes acne in the armpit or underarm.

Change Your Razor.

Using the same razor regularly or daily carries bacteria that
cause this acne. So get a set of razors and stop using the same razor daily.

Exfoliate Before Shaving.

Exfoliating before shaving is one method to go for. This
will remove dry skin or any built-up skin cells that are trapping hair and
causing acne or pump underarms.

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