A Mother Goes Blind After Getting Tattoos Of Blue and Purple In An Attempt To Look Like An Influencer.

A mother of five regrets not listening to her seven-year-old daughter who warned her that she could go blind if she got her eyeballs tattooed. Anaya Peterson, a 32-year-old law student, is now facing permanent blindness after tattooing her eyeballs blue and purple.  Inspired by “blue-eyed dragon” Amber Luke, an Australian model who got her … Read more

Could Botox Be Harming Your Health? Benefits And Side Effects

Over the last decade, botox has become a popular treatment for numerous cosmetic procedures. It was one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in America, with 1.9 million procedures performed in 2015 alone, and was injected into patients to help treat wrinkles and fine lines are put in place to prevent them from forming in … Read more

Believe It Or Not: 15 Best Skincare Routine for Active Women

What is a Skincare Routine and Why It’s Important? Taking care of your skin every day is important for women to keep the skin healthy and looking its best. The skin is the largest organ in the body system, and it is made up of seven layers, each with its purpose.  The skin is a … Read more

Getting Rid Of Body Odor Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read These 10 Tips – SaluBris

Hygiene is a very picky question in our daily lives and body odor is one concern. The body has lots of areas attaching or moving together. They produce heat and sweat follows, whilst others are secretion parts that also sweat. Body odor is created by bacteria that grow on the sweat produced on a body.  … Read more

The Right Way to Use Aloe Vera for Acne/Pimple – SaluBris

Aloe vera is a popular anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and scar reduction and is one of the oldest methods used to remove acne and dark spots.  It can treat sunburns, burns itself, and cure wounds, and cuts.  Here is How to Use Aleo Vera To Remove Acne or Pimples. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze … Read more

3 Best Face Mask for Acne Treatment Naturally | SaluBris

Acne is a skin condition affecting lots of youngsters these days, and acne can be treated with simple lifestyle modifications.  Acne is a skin disorder, that occurs, when the openings of hair follicles get blocked with oil and dead skin cells and the clogged pore becomes infected with bacteria then forms a pimple. Today SaluBris … Read more