The 15 Health Benefits Of Nyanya Leaves Revealed – SaluBris

Reference from Wikipedia

Link: Click Here To Read About Momordica Foetida Nyanya.

Momordica Foetida plant is a climbing vine related to bitter melon and balsam apple. It is mostly found in wooded grasslands or woodland. It has the shape of the heart and irregular edges. Furthermore, it is made up of fruits, that countries like Sudan, Ghana, and Gabon use as food. This plant leaves is one of the traditional African leaves that is used to cure lots of health issues.

15 Nyanya Health Benefits

We discussed with one Farmer who said:” He mostly chews and applies the leaves of Nyanya on bee stings and snake bites immediately when he is bitten or stung. He also said when a spitting snake spits on him, he uses Nyanya leaves to reduce the inflammation of the skin”.

Apart from curing diseases, it also has spiritual benefits. In West Africa, Traditional homes use the leaves of this plant as a cleanse against spiritual evils, to drive away bad luck, and to seek protection. In Ghana, it is called “Nyanya“.

Today we are taking a look at Nyanya leaves health benefits. We will walk you through a list of some Nyanya leaves health benefits and how to use them to cure these diseases.

We would not advise you to sorely depend on these health benefits, remember the Doctor and the hospital are important.

1. Nyanya Can Treat Urinary Tract Infections.

Nyanya has antibiotics that make it capable of treating Urinary Tract Infections. Talking of UTIs, we mean infections that take part in the urinary system. Including the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

How To Treat Urinary Infections With Nyanya.

Wash and soak in water, then rub it in the water until the water turns completely green and bitter. Then it is sieved into a cup and drank. Do this twice a week.

2. Nyanya Is Used To treat Diabetes.

Because of how bitter this plant is, it is capable of controlling the sugar level in a diabetic patient. 

How To Treat Diabetes With Nyanya.

It is washed and soaked in water, then it is rubbed in the same water until the water turns green and bitter. Then it is sieved into a drinking cup and drunk. Do this twice a week.

3. Use in Setting Fractured Bones.

In one traditional home we visited, a woman doctor, informed us that, you can grind it using a pestle until it becomes smooth, then rub it on the affected area. You can also use a cloth as a bandage to hold the grind leaves around that area. 

 4. Nyanya is Used Treat gonorrhea.

Nyanya can be used to treat gonorrhea, a person with signs of gonorrhea can rub the leaves in water and drink, then grind the leaves and apply them to some affected areas of the body.

5. Nyanya Cures Kidney Diseases.

Traditional people believe that the juice of this plant leaves when rubbed and drunk can heal and treat Kidney Diseases due to its antibiotic properties.

6. Nyanya is Used to treat Worm Infestation.

Worm infections are caused by intestinal worms. They mostly cause irritability, weight loss, ache in the stomach, and bed wetting. Nyanya is one special plant that can be used to cure such a disorder.

How To Treat Worm Infection and Stomach Ache With Nyanya.

Get some of the Nyanya leaves, wash and rub them in water to acquire the green bitter juice. Then sieve and transfer the juice into a cup and drink it twice a week. Drink it early morning right before eating.

7. Nyanya Can Completely Cure Malaria.

There are drugs to treat Malaria, but Nyanya is a home remedy herbal plant that can cure Malaria, but we would advise you to take Nyanya during the early symptoms of malaria and not during severe Malaria.

How To Cure Malaria with Nyanya.

All you have to do now is, walk out and get some Nyanya leaves. Wash them and then rub them with your hand in a clean bowl of water. Rub till the water becomes completely green and sieve or transfer the juice into a new cup and drink. You can store it in a bottle and carry it with you.

8. Nyanya can Treat Hypertension and Migraines.

The poor control of blood pressure causes Migraine, and these disorders can be treated using Nyanya. Just get some Nyanya leaves in a bowl of water, rub and drink the juice.

9. Severe headaches.

If you are having severe headaches, Nyanya leaves juice is a cure for you. Just rub some Nyanya leaves and squeeze the juice onto a spoon, then carefully pour it through the nostrils of the head-ached person.

10. Disorders in the ears.

Anyone with an ear disorder can rub Nyanya leaves in the hand and squeeze the juice into the ears just like an ear drop, holding it in the ear for a while. You can do this twice daily.

11. Nose bleeding.

Let the victim sit down and pinch the soft part of the nose which is above the nostrils for at least 10-15 minutes till the bleeding ceases, after some minutes, rub some Nyanya leaves onto a spoon and carefully pour it through the nostrils of the bleeding person. This will cure any injury found in the nose.

11. Peptic ulcer.

This disorder occurs when acid in the digestive tract eats the inner surface of the stomach causing severe pain. This disorder can be controlled and cured using Nyanya.

How To Cure Peptic Ulcer With Nyanya.

Mostly, Peptic ulcer people rub(like in washing) the tender leaves in water till it becomes greenish water, then it is a sieve and drunk regularly. Drinking this early morning before eating and before sleeping can control this pain caused by Peptic Ulcer and can cure it.

12. Oedema (Swelling and Fluid retention).

When Nyanya leaves are grind and applied to the affected area, especially the arms and legs, it causes the fluids to rush out and cure this disorder.

13. Smooth menstrual flow.

Ladies that drink the juice from rubbed Nyanya leaves can likely have a healthy and smooth menstrual flow of blood.

14. Can Treat Body Odor.

Whilst we are drinking or chewing Nyanya, You can bathe with the leaves the removal of bad body odor.

15. Small Pox, Rashes, and boils.

The rubbed leaves and juice from Nyanya can be applied to the affected area to cure them.


Sorry I didn’t mention to you that the smell of this plant you won’t like and its taste is also bitter, which can make you vomit(emetic) and is also not recommended for pregnant women.

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