OMG! Top 10 Best Health Benefits Of Prekese Ever – SaluBris

Tetrapleura tetraplera (Prekese In Ghana) is a species of flowering plant in the pea family with various healing advantages. Prekese has a strong smell which serves as a propellant for mosquitoes. 

Prekese aka Aiden Fruit

In Ghana, it is added to dishes such as soup to boost the aroma of the food. Prekese is capable of curing several diseases and disorders such as leprosy, arthritis, rheumatoid, convulsions, and inflammation. Prekese can decrease glucose levels, reduce hypertension, and lower blood pressure.

Prekese other local names include aidan, ubukirihu, imiminje, apapa, edeminang, ighirehimi, and ighimiaka.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of Prekese we know you didn’t know.

1. Curing Diabetes

Tetrapleura tetraplera attenuates type 2 diabetes and obesity. All you need to do is get some Tetrapleura tetraplera, wash them thoroughly, and cut them into halves. Now put them in a big cup of water to sit for the next day and drink. Don’t worry, it is healthy. We would advise you not to boil it.

2. Fever.

A person suffering from fever or recovering from fever can bathe with prekese soaked in the water. It is a fast relief from fever.

3. Mosquito Repellent.

In local homes, prekese is used as a repellent on mosquitoes due to its strong smell. 

How To Use PREKESE as a Mosquito Repellant: 

All you need to do is put some burning coal in a metallic bowl and put your prekese in/on it.

4. Heals Wounds Fater.

The evaporated water or aqueous extract of prekese is traditionally used to cure wounds. 

5. Asthma Inhaler.

If you find yourself short of an inhaler for your asthma, then SaluBris would recommend you get prekese. The smell from prekese is an inhaler to reduce asthma. Just break it into half and inhale it.

6. Good for Lactating Mothers.

This fruit is taken to help produce breast milk in lactating mothers. Just cut prekese into halves and add and put them in a cup of water. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes and drink it in the morning and evening. You will be impressed.

7. Contain Antibacterial Properties.

Soaps made with prekese are antibacterial and can heal most skin disorders, inflammation, and bacterial infections. 

How To Add Prekese To Your Soap:  

Slice your favorite soap into pieces, then cut into pieces and grind one or two prekese. Now mix it with your sliced soap. Put the mixture in a bottle and add little water.

8. Treatment To Signs Of Leprosy.

Through research, if you are experiencing signs of leprosy, then prekese is what you need. 

9. Cleans Cardiovascular Systems.

Put prekese into a cup of water and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink it every morning and evening. This trick with prekese will cleanse your cardio systems.

10. Boost Testosterones.

If you never know, drinking or adding prekese to your dish, can help boost testosterone and promote good health.

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