10 Health Benefits Of Dates Fruit You Never Knew

date fruit

Phoenix dactylifera is a chewy and sweet fruit packed with lots of minerals vitamins and fiber which are widely cultivated across northern and southern Africa and the Middle East. However, you don’t have to go to Africa to get dates you will find dry dates in all the supermarkets worldwide, and in this article, we will explore what happens when you start eating dates every day.

Below are ten explored benefits of dates and why you should add them to your diet. Before we proceed please note that everything we mention in this article is unbiased fact checked and reviewed by qualified health professionals.

1. Relievment to Constipation.

Dates are very high in fiber which makes them an efficient natural laxative that helps relieve constipation and support digestion. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, eating seven dates per day for 21 days can significantly improve stool frequency and bowel movement so if you’re suffering from constipation you should start your day with dates and add them to your morning smoothie yogurt or Salad. More than that you can take a bag of dry dates to work for a healthy snack in between calls. Dates have been used for treating constipation for a long time now as they also, support your digestive health. A small 2015 study has shown that date consumption may reduce the risk of colon cancer thanks to its high fiber and polyphenol content. Don’t forget to merge a good diet with an energetic lifestyle to maintain your body up and healthy.

2. Good and High Amount Of Antioxidants.

Dates provide a high amount of antioxidants and are an antioxidant powerhouse rich in polyphenols flavonoids, and carotenoids which help control the dangers of chronic disease. In fact, dates have the highest antioxidant content of all the similar types of dried fruits although much more epidemiological evidence is needed. Current studies show that polyphenols can lower the risk of cancer or heart disease. Flavonoids are also important antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, or Alzheimer’s disease. Carotenoid research shows that they may promote heart health and reduce the risk of eye diseases such as macular degeneration, more than that dates are rich in B vitamins as well as Vitamin K, iron, calcium, manganese, potassium, and zinc. So add dates to your list and enjoy all these amazing advantages.

3.  Healthy Sugar Content Better Than White Sugar.

Dates are a great substitute for white sugar. They are a great source of fructose so you can use them to naturally sweeten your food while also benefiting from their high fiber content in other words you won’t just get sweet and empty calories. Using dates as a natural sweetener will also add fiber to your diet and that’s a good thing to enrich and sweeten your morning porridge with dates. If you love homemade muesli bars sweeten them with dates if you love baking sweets from time to time. Use dates to sweeten foods than sugar and you will satisfy your sweet tooth and increase your fiber and antioxidant intake which is just what your body needs. Besides dates have a great caramel-like taste and they are rich in nutrients and vitamins such as iron vitamin B6, copper, magnesium, potassium, and protein. If you think you can’t replace sugar with dates think again by mixing dates with water in a blender, you will get a sweet paste you can use to sweeten everything from coffee to tea or cakes.


4.  A Sugar Regulator.

Dates may help with sugar regulation. Sugar we all know is a white powder often obtained through processing and is used to sweeten our food. Excess intake of processed sugar is no good and there is a need to look for an alternative. Despite having a significant calorie amount dates have a relatively low glycemic index which means they won’t spike your blood sugar levels making them a safe choice for people with diabetes. According to a recent study 100 people with type 2 diabetes had three dates per day for 16 weeks and the results showed a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol AKA bad cholesterol moreover the test subject’s sugar levels did not change indicating that the sweetness of the dates did not affect their sugar levels which was an excellent choice for people who have or are at risk for diabetes. The same study also noted that test subjects reported improvements in both their quality of life and their Mental Health.

5.  Improves Brain Functioning.

Dates may help improve brain function. Studies suggest that eating dates are part of a balanced diet that may help improve brain function and promote brain health. Laboratory tests have found dates to be efficient in lowering inflammatory markers in the brain and preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Let’s not forget that dates contain essential anti-inflammatory properties due to their rich content of antioxidants helping fight oxidative stress and supplying a promising therapeutic potential for brain health. Moreover, animal studies have shown how dates can efficiently lower the activity of plaque-forming amyloid beta proteins. These protein buildups can impair the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain and disrupt the brain’s cognitive function. Preventing the formation of brain plaque can improve memory and even boost brain activity.

6.  Improved Labor Period For Women.

Dates have long been acknowledged to help induce labor they might also help shorten labor for pregnant women. In 2013, one study involving 200 pregnant women showed that eating dates can help soften the cervix before delivery. 

According to another similar study, pregnant women who ate six dates a day for weeks before their due date experienced a shorter first stage of Labor, and their cervix was much softer before delivery moreover the women who ate dates were 20 percent more likely to go into natural labor than those who didn’t.

7.  Improved Bone Health.

Date help boosts bone health and they are high in bone-friendly minerals and vitamins such as selenium potassium phosphorus magnesium calcium and vitamin K which are known for their potential to prevent bone-related conditions such as osteoporosis. So if you want to keep your bones strong and healthy add dates to your diet they might help

8. Packed With Nutrients.

Dates give you lots of nutrients in an easy pack. They are versatile as you can easily pair them with many other foods for delicious combinations. If you don’t know how to add dates to your diet, you can eat dates as snacks while having a break from work or office meetings. They also pair well with soft cheese or nuts. Furthermore, you can also add dates to salads, and make sure to slice them. 

9. Immune System Booster.

Dates improve your immune system dates since they are rich in different vitamins minerals and fiber and are sweet without raising your blood sugar. Studies suggest that they can also stimulate the immune system and eating foods that have so much nutritious value is always going to improve your health and general well-being. Let’s remember that dates are rich in iron an essential mineral that helps prevent the onset of anemia.

10. Bonus: 

If you haven’t prepared this healthy drink before then you must try – How To Make Ginger – TigerNut Drink

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