How to Make Coconut Oil in Your Home – SaluBris

Coconut oil is obtained from the palm tree Coconut. It has many nutrients that can contribute to good health and can be used for cooking.  In cooking, it has the needed amount of fatty acids the body needs to help improve metabolism and cognitive function. In ladies, it can be applied to the hair to … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Chapped Lips Fast – Medical News Today

Chappy lips are an exasperating disorder mostly in the form of dry lips or cracked lips. When it gets serious, it causes redness, and irritation and also starts bleeding.  There are lots of products you can apply to your lips to remove chappy lips whereas few of them can even worsen the case.  Chappy lips … Read more

Make This Delicious Dessert With Milk, Sugar, and Peanut Only At Home

This recipe is a reference to the common and comfortable Peanut Cake known as Nkati Cake, which is one of the most popular Ghanaian products.  Here is how to make this delicious recipe. CAUTION! We would advise you to stay away from excess sugar, since too much of everything is bad, especially sugar. Procedure. Pour … Read more

The Proper Way To Make Aloe Vera Oil For Extreme Hair Growth – SaluBris

Aloe vera is a traditional plant used to cure lots of hair disorders including scalp inflammation from dandruff. Furthermore, It serves as a cleanser for the hair and contains vitamins A, B12, C, and E which are good for the hair and also break down skin cells on the scalp which may hold clogged hair … Read more

Your Body On Sweets: The Alarming Impact of Added Sugars

Have you ever come across any added sugar products? Whether Yes or No, then this is for you. Added sugars are really bad for your health because they are not sugar obtained naturally but produced as products.  The digesting of sugar is fast but too much of these processed sugars are capable of damaging your … Read more

How To Make Hibiscus Tea, Sobolo, Zobo, or Bissap Drink – Mom’s Favourite Drink

WHAT IS SOBOLO OR HIBISCUS TEA? Hibiscus tea is a traditional herbal tea that is made by boiling flowers hibiscus plant. Hibiscus tea is commonly known as Sobolo or Zobo in Ghana and is a nutritious drink you can serve and enjoy. 10 HEALTH BENEFITS OF HIBISCUS TEA Lowers blood pressure Protects with antioxidants Fights … Read more

Should You Use A Facial Steamer |Cons and Pros – SaluBris

What are the benefits of steaming your face? Facial steamers help to clean pores and remove dirt from the face. It exfoliates the skin and makes it look bright. Steaming and exfoliating the facial skin can increase blood circulation and overall, give you good facial skin. Here are 10 Health Benefits of Facial steaming including … Read more

How Much Water Do You Really Need when You Hit the Gym? – SaluBris

  One of the best things to do for and during your workout is to ensure that you are very well hydrated.  Drink quite a lot(250 ml) of water 20 to 30 minutes before you start and drinking (500ml) water 30 minutes after finishing your workout is very essential. This will give your body time … Read more

Cons Of Inhaling Steam – SaluBris

  Aside from medicine, there is another form of treatment that I know most of us don’t know, and what treatment am talking about is Steam Inhalation Therapy. It is an extremely helpful treatment for treating the common cold, and any bronchitis and allergies. In addition, it is easy to do and has fewer cons … Read more

Get Rid Of Arm Hair With These Easy-Peasy Tips – SaluBris

Arm hair is a gift and some natural nice feature on a man unless it’s too much. Arm hair acts as a cooling agent for the body. It rests on the skin during cold weather to warm the body and stands to cool the body down when the body is hot or during a hot … Read more