Your Body On Sweets: The Alarming Impact of Added Sugars

sugar cubes salubris

Have you ever come across any added sugar products? Whether Yes or No, then this is for you. Added sugars are really bad for your health because they are not sugar obtained naturally but produced as products. 

The digesting of sugar is fast but too much of these processed sugars are capable of damaging your insulin levels. Naturally occurring sugars in plants such as fruits are healthier because they are accompanied by healthy and nutritious components like fiber, which slows down the absorption of natural sugars into the blood.

Here are other health issues associated with added sugars.

1. Tooth Damage.

As you probably know, sugary drinks are bad for the teeth. They feed the bacteria in your mouth which produces acids that dissolve the teeth. 

2. Can Cause Unhealthy Weight Gain.

The presence of sugar in a person’s diet can cause weight gain or overweight. If you are a healthy weight, we would advise you to stay away from excess sugar. Having lots of sugary foods and drinks might get you in poor health.

3. Increase Heart Diseases.

A 2015 review from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition showed that diets high in sugar have a high calories, and its associated weight gain can have an impact on your heart. More than half of people in specific countries are now overweight or obese due to the intake of added sugar products and are at risk of increased heart and circulatory disorders.

4. Slows down the immune system.

A large amount of sugar intake can weaken your immune system. It suppresses the energy of the immune system cells that fight against bacteria and increases inflammatory protein production which weakens the function of the immune system.

5. Refined or Added Sugar is Poisonous.

Refined sugar is a poison because it lacks all the essential nutrients the body needs to stay strong. What it contains is pure and refined carbohydrates and the body cannot utilize these refined carbohydrate unless the removed minerals are present.

6. Drains Your Energy.

Natural sugar can easily be digested to gain energy, but excess added sugar can drain your energy. Processed sugar lacks protein, fiber, and vitamins that can support you with energy. So anytime you choose sugar, get a healthy one rich in fiber also.

7. Fatty Liver Disease.

Fatty Liver is a state whereby the liver is built up with lots of fats. It is commonly seen in overweight or obese people. Excess intake of sugar can contribute to fatty liver in the body and excess overweight.

8. Get You and Increase Common Cold.

Added sugar consumption can make you gain a cold and make your cough even worse. It suppresses the immune system when fighting bacteria or viral infections. Furthermore, it increases sinus infections.

9. It Can Cause Damage To The Brain.

A high intake of sugar shrinks the brain and affects its performance of the brain. Sugar causes the brain to lose focus, increase stress levels, and makes you crave it more.

10. Contribute to Waist and Back Pains.

Sugar weakens the waist and backbones, it also creates more fats that sit on the spine causing waist and back pains.

Let’s get to the Bottom Line.

Focusing on preparing healthy meals and limiting the intake of added sugary foods can help you cut back on the amount of sugar you have in your diet. Sugar is a good thing but excess of it can cause serious harm to your health. Honey is preferred over sugar.

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