The Proper Way To Make Aloe Vera Oil For Extreme Hair Growth – SaluBris

aloe vera

Aloe vera is a traditional plant used to cure lots of hair disorders including scalp inflammation from dandruff. Furthermore, It serves as a cleanser for the hair and contains vitamins A, B12, C, and E which are good for the hair and also break down skin cells on the scalp which may hold clogged hair follicles.

Here are 10 Hair benefits of Aloe Vera.

  • It strengthens the hair.
  • It controls greasy hair.
  • It helps with an itchy scalp.
  • Improves hair growth.
  • It cleanses the hair.
  • Helps moisturize the hair.
  • Heals wounds Cause By Hair Disorder.
  • It prevents dandruff.
  • It acts as a conditioner for the hair and scalp.
  • It has all the nutrients essential for the hair.

The Proper Way To Make Aloe vera Oil For Extreme Hair Growth.

If you want to use Aloe vera to promote and have excellent and strong hair, then here is the hack to making a proper Aleo Vera Oil for the hair.

  1. Remove a leaf from an Aloe vera plant. Make sure to pick a leave that is older and thick.
  2. Now cut the leave into 3 parts and remove the spiny ends around it with a clean knife. 
  3. Now rinse the 3 pieces of the Aloe vera leaf and leave it in the water for about 15-20 minutes to let the yellow latex drain away from it.
  4. After 15-20 minutes remove and clean the aloe vera. Make sure to clean the water off the leaves since we will be working with oil.
  5. After well cleaning the pieces, slice them lengthwise into pieces in a bowl without removing the skin of the Aloe vera.
  6. Then put the sliced aloe vera leaves into a blender and add Coconut oil.
  7. Then blend everything making it look foamy.
  8. Now pour the mixture into a clean cooking pot and heat(fry) with fire, make sure to stir frequently for about 20-30 minutes. The oil should remove the foamy surface after frying. 
  9. Now let it sit and cool for 24 hours.
  10. Now use a strainer to strain the oil into a clean container.
  11. You can apply it Now.

How Do I Preserve It?

Since it contains oil, preservation will look simple for you but fresh aloe vera gel doesn’t last very long unless you store it in a sealed container in the fridge.

Other methods include 

  • Apply the raw aloe vera gel to your hair and scalp with your hand and massage, leave it for about 30 minutes, and rinse off.
  • Or Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 cup of water then after shampooing, rinse with this solution, leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse again.

How frequently should I use Aloe vera for My hair?

If you’re replacing your shampoo or conditioner with aloe, we would advise you to use it two to three times per week based on your hair type and how often you wash it.

Are There any Side Effects?

Contact to the skin might cause irritation whilst people allergic might experience health issues.

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