Get Rid Of Arm Hair With These Easy-Peasy Tips – SaluBris

Arm hair - salubris

Arm hair is a gift and some natural nice feature on a man unless it’s too much. Arm hair acts as a cooling agent for the body. It rests on the skin during cold weather to warm the body and stands to cool the body down when the body is hot or during a hot day. It is a gift but if you are having more arm hair that makes you feel tickled after sweating or for other reasons and want to get rid of arm hair then here is how to get rid of arm hair.

Trim It. 

You can probably trim them. Natural hair will keep growing and nothing can be done to stop the growth of arm hairs but trimming. It is one way to get rid of it regularly. Just like how you would shave your beard but with trimming, you will be cutting split ends of the arm hair leaving little hair. You can do this with scissors.

Shave It

You can get rid of arm hair by shaving it. Shaving arm hair with a good razor is the cheapest way. With shaving, it will completely remove the hair from the arm without living little pieces like trimming. Before you shave arm hair, make sure to have your arm well hydrated by soaking your arm in warm water for about three minutes.

Try Waxing.

Then there’s waxing, waxing is the most effective method when it comes to removing arm hairs. With waxing, you just need to apply wax on your arm, put a strip on it, pass your hand for a few minutes, and pull the strip to remove the hair from your arm. It might be painful, but the hair won’t grow back that quickly. As we said, waxing will rip the hair out of the follicles and hair roots too. When you need them back, over time, less and less hair will grow back because there are fewer hair roots left to grow new once.

Try Electrolysis.

Electrolysis is somehow expensive, but that’s where people with most arm hairs would go to. It is where a professional will use a device to kill the root of the hair. It includes several sessions to complete, but once finished, you should have hairless arms for years. 

Try Laser Hair Removal (LHR)

It is also an effective method for arm hair removal that offers smooth and hair-free skin. What LHR does is slow down and permanently remove arm hair. IPL will require maintenance frequently so before buying one for yourself, it is critical to know that devices that use Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology are unsafe compared to laser technology. 

Try This Trick.

Mix honey, lemon juice, and potato juice and apply it to your arm or where the hair is and leave it for 15-20 minutes or till the time it dries off. Once the mixture dries, remove the paste by rubbing it with your fingers. 

Over here, I’m a guy and I tried shaving my arm hair a few times, but I discovered it was too much and could trouble my arm hair growth so I quit doing it. Being a guy, I can have hairy arms and no one cares about it. 

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