Make This Delicious Dessert With Milk, Sugar, and Peanut Only At Home

nkate cake

This recipe is a reference to the common and comfortable Peanut Cake known as Nkati Cake, which is one of the most popular Ghanaian products. 

Here is how to make this delicious recipe.

CAUTION! We would advise you to stay away from excess sugar, since too much of everything is bad, especially sugar.


  1. Pour 2 cups of Groundnut into a bowl and add some milk and stir.
  2. Pour the mixture into a blender and blend. Add a cup of milk and blend again till it is smooth.
  3. Now transfer the mixture into a cooking pot and add some 70g of sugar and 1/4 of cardamon powder(Optional) and cook it on medium flame. 
  4. Continue to stir it continuously to avoid it from burning.
  5. Cook until it looks more solid or thick.
  6. Brush a flat bowl or large plate with oil.
  7. Then transfer it to the plate or bowl.
  8. Then sprinkle some chipped peanut onto it and use a cooking tool to flatten it on the plate.
  9. Let it cool and keep it for an hour in a refrigerator. If you don’t have a refrigerator, you can let it sit for a while to cool down completely.
  10. Now use a knife to create squared shapes in the cake and remove them.

Enjoy the delicious dessert.

This is a delicious cake more palatable for people. Children especially like to eat this snack so much perhaps because of its sweet taste.

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