How Much Water Do You Really Need when You Hit the Gym? – SaluBris


Man Running and water

One of the best things to do for and during your workout is to ensure that you are very well hydrated. 

Drink quite a lot(250 ml) of water 20 to 30 minutes before you start and drinking (500ml) water 30 minutes after finishing your workout is very essential. This will give your body time to process the water so that you don’t work out on a heavy stomach causing you to vomit or any other health-related issue. furthermore, Water contains zero calories which makes it good for workouts. 

Workouts will cause you to sweat a lot, especially during hot days or hot weather. You can add a small amount of salt- sodium chloride to extra water you might carry along. You will need saltwater because when you sweat, you lose salt in the body, causing hyponatremia in extreme cases. This condition mostly occurs when you drink too much water which causes the salt in the body to become diluted and make your cells swell. So carrying an extra bottle with salt and not salty water is the best.

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