Should You Use A Facial Steamer |Cons and Pros – SaluBris

What are the benefits of steaming your face?

facial steamers cons and pros salubris

Facial steamers help to clean pores and remove dirt from the face. It exfoliates the skin and makes it look bright. Steaming and exfoliating the facial skin can increase blood circulation and overall, give you good facial skin.

Here are 10 Health Benefits of Facial steaming including

  1. Removing bacteria and impurities.
  2. Hydrating the skin.
  3. Removing toxins from the skin.
  4. Enhancing blood circulation.
  5. Increases relaxation and Calming Sensation.
  6. Soften the layer of debris.
  7. Boost Collagen Production.
  8. Removes Blackheads.
  9. Relaxes Nerves.
  10. Facial muscle Repair.

Is It Safe To Use Face Steamer and Who shouldn’t do it?

I know one makeup artist who said we should stop facial steamer. Why?

Because any product kind of facial steamer can increase the facial temperature and weaken the blood vessels of the face causing your face to be dry, meaning facial steamer creams are unsafe.  But also said there is one best way to do facial steamers at home and should be done not more than twice a week.

In general, steaming the face can be beneficial when done correctly, but people who are prone to redness and broken capillaries on their skin shouldn’t try face steaming. If you have poor skin, steaming can dilate your facial blood vessels and contribute to more redness on your face so we would advise you to take cold steam or rub an ice cube across the face.

How to safely steam your face

If you want to safely steam your face, then here are the steps to safely steam your face and get the best results.


1. Cleansing. 

Wipe your face with a clean wet white cloth.

2. Steaming. 

  1. Boil and pour half a bucket of hot water into a large container or medium-large-sized pot.
  2. Put some green tea leaves or lemon slices in the hot water.
  3. Now cover your head with a towel and steam for about 5-10 minutes.

3. Apply a Mask.

After steaming your face, here is a perfect facial mask to put on.

  1. Mix two tablespoons of honey and cinnamon powder. Cinnamon may cause a burning sensation which can help reduce and remove dark spots, and acne and give you smooth skin.
  2. Continuous stir till it forms a paste.
  3. Now apply the mixture to your face and down to the neck. 

4. Moisturizing.

After adding your face mask, wait for 15 minutes and wash it with cool water.

That’s a healthy facial steaming, that will brighten and give you healthy facial skin.

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