How to Make Coconut Oil in Your Home – SaluBris

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is obtained from the palm tree Coconut. It has many nutrients that can contribute to good health and can be used for cooking. 

In cooking, it has the needed amount of fatty acids the body needs to help improve metabolism and cognitive function.

In ladies, it can be applied to the hair to promote good hair growth and promote good skin. Furthermore, you can apply it to your lips as a lip balm.

Here is how to make Coconut Oil.

All you will need is only three or more Coconuts.


  1. Crack and remove the fruits from the hard body part of the Coconut.
  2. Then cut the fruit into pieces.
  3. Now boil water and pour a little onto the pieces of Coconut and blend. Don’t boil the coconut, just boil and pour the hot water on it. Not too hot, then blend.
  4. Now use a sieve to collect the hard particles or chaff from the blended coconut collecting the liquid only. You can blend the chaff further to get more Coconut liquid. 
  5. Now sieve the liquid again to remove any remaining particles.
  6. Now keep the Coconut liquid covered in a fridge overnight.
  7. Now the next day, you will notice a hard surface on the coconut liquid, that is what we will use to make the oil. So use a cooking clip to remove the hard surface carefully and put it in a steel pot and cook at medium heat.
  8. Now sieve the remaining liquid to obtain the rest of the hard components and add it to the cooking Coconut.
  9. After an hour, sieve the cooked Coconut to obtain your oil from the Coconut.

The water left can be used for cooking.

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