How to Look Beautiful Without Makeup – SaluBris

top ways to look beautiful without makeup

If you are a pretty woman or lady tired of spending hours gazing at yourself in front of the mirror wondering how to add more beauty to what you have, then this article is for you. 

We advise you to read further to find out about tips and techniques to add more beauty and appear beautiful every day.

Let’s begin girl.

Stay Hydrated.

We want you to develop the habit of drinking lots of water. Enough water in your system can help wash away toxins and keep your skin hydrated. 7 to 10 times glass of water is recommended and don’t wait till you are thirsty. Carry water with you if you have enough space to carry or on your bag pack. 

Sleeping Beauty.

To look more beautiful, then don’t change your sleeping time or decrease your sleeping. Sleeping brings improvement to mind activities. Remember ladies’ thinking is wired, so enough sleep is recommended to boost the mind. There is no proof but 7 to 8 hours of sleep can help you lose weight based on our research and make you more attractive.

Exercise Regularly.

Don’t be that too obese pretty lady nor slimmer pretty lady but be the lady whose everyone’s eyes can’t be taken off and the only way to get this is to exercise. Regular exercise can bring improvement to your skin and help blood circulate. The circulation of blood will move all the essential nutrients to your body, so you can look more attractive.

Exfoliate, Girl.

Exfoliation two to three times a week can remove dead skin, and make your skin look brighter. There are lots of natural exfoliates you can try including, oatmeal, baking soda, and powdered almonds.

Your Lips Need Care.

Whilst you exfoliate your skin, you should also exfoliate and moisturize your lips also. You can search for lip masks from our tips and get the best match to make your lips look beautiful.

 Your Hair Make You Perfect.

A pretty with damaged hair looks awful, same as a pretty lady with smelly hair is a disaster. Shampoo your hair thrice a week and remember to apply conditioners after shampooing. Trim your hair and always keep it brushed. We don’t mean trim all your hair but make them short.

Have A Good Diet.

Talking of a good diet for ladies, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, healthy fats, and protein foods are what you should be choosing from. Protein foods such as meat, eggs, dairy, and legumes can help you lose weight. Avoid foods like meals mostly based on meat, raw eggs, cheese, alcohol, and excess sugar. 

No to Alcohol

Taking in excess alcohol can damage your heart muscles. It affects estrogens and androgens. Other disorders such as breast, mouth, throat, and liver cancer can follow. In case you still want your alcohol, then red wine and whiskey are the best to go for.

Indulge In A Yoga.

For better mental and physical beauty, we would recommend you start yoga workouts. Yoga will help build your self-esteem and based on studies, yoga lowers cholesterol, heart diseases, and lower blood pressure.

Maintain A Good Smell And Hygiene.

Most ladies find it difficult when it comes to beauty due to body odor. Staying clean and smelling good is one way to look attractive and fresh to everyone. So right now try and develop the habit of a good and clean-smelling body.

In conclusion, I know the reader is beautiful and We are giving you the largest confidence, and we are proud to have such a beautiful lady like you over here.

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