OMG! Replace Energy Drinks With This New Secret Drink and Why Finally Revealed

Women Jogging glucose water

During sports or cardio workouts and heavy aerobic sports, or in our daily lives, when looking for drinks that would keep you going and hydrated, it is mostly said to be found in energy drinks but all these monster drinks or energy drinks make promises that they scientifically cannot keep. 

Most energy drinks are made up of plenty of caffeine since caffeine can keep you active whilst others also contain too much added sugar. The presence of caffeine and when taken in excess can lead to several disorders when not taken correctly or at the right time. Too much added sugar has severe consequences also to health and all these make energy drinks unsafe to take in.

So instead of Energy drinks, then why not replace your energy drink with Glucose water?

Glucose water is a healthy alternative to energy drinks that is packed with the right health sugar and calories. Glucose water has been proven to help you lose weight, and it’s good for your heart. In this article, I’m going to show you how to make glucose water that you can drink anytime, anyplace!

Story About My Glucose Water Intake.

I was once a lover of monster drinks or energy drinks. I used to take them frequently on a tiring day and also during sports. I used to switch to energy drinks more than diet and as time went on, I started experiencing certain body changes including poor body weight loss, severe stomach ache resulting in an ulcer kind of disorder, and tiredness. 

I had to minimize my energy drinks intake and concentrate on my diet but the disorder went on. I noticed anytime I take in these energy drinks, my stomach aches me much and even prevents me from sleeping even though I didn’t drink them at night. 

So the best idea was to quit energy drinks completely till a friend recommended replacing those energy drinks with glucose water. So I went to the pharmacy for powdered glucose. Anytime I am off to the field to train or exercise, I just fetch some spoons of glucose into a bottle and add some water, and that’s it.

I have seen lots of changes now after replacing my energy drinks intake with glucose water. 

Why You Must Drink Glucose Water.

Simply, the right Glucose water is homemade and is a three spoons of powdered glucose and 1 to 2 Cups of water mixture. Glucose itself is a nutrient and also a main source of energy for the body and it also stimulates insulin secretions and lowers blood sugar.

Furthermore, it is a treatment for carbohydrates and fluids in the body depletion and is also used in the treatment of hypoglycemia and is recommended for diabetes mellitus.

How To Make Glucose Water.

All you will need is 

  • Powdered Glucose from the pharmacy.
  • A water bottle.
  • Cups of Water.


  1. You will just fetch 2 to 3 spoons of powdered glucose into your water bottle.
  2. Add some water to fill the water bottle.
  3. That’s it.

Frequently Asked Questions About Glucose Water.

When should I drink It During Sports?

During sports, we would recommend you drink it after workouts or sports. For instance, where I go for workouts or sports is a 30 minutes jogging or 45 minutes walk which sometimes gets me tired before any activity. So I drink half and rest for 15 minutes before I start any exercise and then take it in after the whole event is over. I also drink more water 10 minutes after taking in my glucose water.

Can I drink Glucose Water for longer study Sessions?

According to me, it is a big Yes. It is better to have a glass of glucose when you feel tired or bored during your studies it keeps you refreshed and energetic. So I would recommend it to you.

Can A Diabetic Patient Drink Glucose Water?

Yes, it is safe for a diabetic patient to drink Glucose water. Glucose is recommended by doctors to diabetic patients and if consumed in small quantities will not affect blood glucose levels. So you will need to minimize its intake.

Instead Of Water, Can I Eat Glucose Raw?

I have seen in some sporting activities, people eat glucose raw after. It might seem right but if no water is drunk, it can cause a sore throat.

Is Glucose water better than water?

No, there is not nothing that will quench thirst better than water but glucose water can help you gain or restore your lost energy.

Can I Drink glucose water before cardio?

Simply, Yes, but not in excess.

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