Chicken, Beef, And Pork Which Is Best – SaluBris

chicken meat

We are entering into another nice festive day and am sure you may be asking, should I get Chicken, Cow, Goat, or Pork for the family? This is not a difficult choice, we recommend Chicken, and why?

Locally, Chicken has stands when it comes to meat selection and has long been considered one of the healthier alternatives to beef, pork, and any other red meat.

Based on research, Chicken has been rated as the most common meat consumed. 

The food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) assumed that more than 65 billion chickens are consumed each year.

Chicken is high in protein, and vitamins, low in fat, and also low in calories. It is one meat you would be prescribed to consume if you are thinking of losing weight, improving immunity, reducing cholesterol, controlling blood pressure, and having good and healthy skin.

Chicken has 26 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, and 120 calories which means it is a rich protein made up of building blocks known as amino acids that is essential for good muscles and bones.

Chicken belongs to the white meat category, which is high-nutrition meat. 

According to statistics, 100 grams of beef contains about 250 calories, pork is 242 calories, and chicken contains only about 189 calories.

In addition, meat from chicken is also a source of various vitamins and minerals and has 2.7 fats, 44mg of sodium, 0g of carbohydrates, 0g of fiber, and No Sugar ratio.

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