7 Gross Mistakes That Ruin Your Chances With Women

7 Gross Mistakes That Ruin Your Chances With Women

Men, we ruin most of our chance when we meet ladies and it isn’t the ladies’ fault but before you ever get to meet her it is already ruined due to the things about you or on you that is pushing them away like the false part of a magnet.

But today Men, Pro Men Style loves you so we are going to tell you these gross mistakes that ruin your chances with ladies that ladies don’t tell you.

Let’s Begin.

1. Dirty Apartment.

Bringing a new lady to your apartment for the first time can look difficult, especially if the visit is unprompted.  Just imagine you have a dirty bathroom and lavatory, dirty dishes, and empty beer bottles lying around, this will scare her out of your apartment immediately. This is because when every woman walks into your place, she wants to have the overwhelming desire to come back, not the urge to run away screaming but feel like she is in heaven. So make sure to tidy and have a nice-looking apartment with a good sweet-scented smell. 

2. Bad Breath.

This attitude is some kind of a thing that worries lots of men. Bad breath or chronic bad breath is caused y poor oral hygiene. Bacteria and plaque are a cause of these bad breaths, but a good habit like brushing twice daily and flossing once a day will help keep your mouth clean. Also, regular dental appointments prevent bad breath or poor oral health. We would also encourage you to always stay hydrated. 

READ: How To Permanently Remove Bad Breath(Men)

3. Armpit Stains.

Stain in men’s Shirt armpit. Armpit stains caused by deodorants or sweat cause you to smell whilst others live this yellow stain on your dress. This adds some kind of a breakdown to your appearance and a problem that pushes away ladies from you.

4. Dirty Fingers.

Most guys love long but too long nails but when you meet a lady and try to give a handshake or even hold her hands to deliver a kiss to her hand, they mostly look at your hand and fingers. Just imagine having long nails which are dirty or have dirt in them, gosh, you have spoilt everything. She will start to think, are these the fingers that touched me, or even think further and say you are not clean and disgusting your fingers you have. Men, it’s easy, just clip the nails if it always gets dirty. 

5. Chapped/ Sandpaper Lips

Sandpaper or chapped lips are gross and disgusting to ladies. She would ask herself, would you actually be a sweet guy and even a good kisser or even a nice guy. Soft lips are a great thing to have and kissing rough lips is like rubbing your lips on sandpaper of which no lady, woman, or girl wants that. 

Tip one, You can get soft lips or get rid of chapped lips by just using shea butter, grape seed oil, or just vaseline, or even try a lip balm to prevent chapped lips. But not that you always have to stay hydrated.

Tip two, You can gently rub the brush on your lip with your toothbrush to get rid of dry lips and give you smoother lips. You can do this once a week.

6. Acne.

Look acne just destroys your face and mostly at the teenage to the age of twenty-one and is again a confidence killer. I have been a victim and I know how it feels to have acne on your face.

You can get rid of acne or prevent acne if you wash your face, add moisture and scrub your face using a facial scrub to remove dead and oily skin.

8. Dark Spots From Acne.

If you have fought acne before, they mostly live behind the dark spot that causes your face to look ugly. This is no tribal mark but will ruin your date or ruin the moment she sees you. 

There are lots of solutions but we would hint you to try products with moisture and enough and non-free skin infection products to help fight dark spots.

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