Never Cut Your Meat and Fish Diet – Exhaustion, Low Mood and Being Short Of breath Are All Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Never Cut Your Meat and Fish Diet - Exhaustion, Low Mood and Being Short Of breath Are All Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Exhaustion, low mood, and being short of breath are all symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency— and the over-60s and vegans are especially at risk.

Carly Minsky, in her mid-20s, cut out meat and fish from her diet and was motivated by the health benefits of a plant-based diet.

In her first diet style, she felt great, but later after a few years ‘I began feeling very fatigued,’ recalls Carly. She added that she wasn’t just tired but extreme fatigue.

According to Carly Minsk, “For six years, I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me, and by 2020 I was so exhausted and I could barely walk.

Finally, attention drove in, and thought it might be a problem with the gland that produces hormones to regulate metabolism(thyroid gland), in 2021 she arranged with her GP, who sent Carly Minsk for blood tests.

Within some days, she was summoned back to the surgery where she was told that her vitamin B12 levels had dropped dramatically and that she must need emergency vitamin injections every day for the coming six weeks, and also needs high-potency vitamin B12 tablets every day for life. 


Vitamin B12 is one nutrient mainly found in animal and dairy products such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. They are essential for brain health and the production of red blood cells in the body.

Lack of Vitamin B12 can lead to health problems including low levels of iron in the blood, tiredness, heart palpitations, breath shortness, nerve disorders, and mental health problems.

One thing about the human body is that it cannot produce Vitamin B12 on its own so therefore needs it from these animal and dairy products or foods. 

In Addition, Adding an animal diet is one of the best diets for health, especially for people suffering from chronic diseases. There are many other benefits of an animal and fish diet including

  1. Balance your blood sugar level.
  2. Prevent heart disease.
  3. Reduce weight and lose weight fast.
  4. Improve the digestion system and prevent constipation.


It presents three reasons to explain why nutritionists feel this way. 1. Hangover is a disease; 2. Human beings should not eat only vegetable protein but also protein from animals; 3. Animal and fish soup contains blood, which is good for the body. The article emphasizes that people should adjust their diet when they are ill so they can recover quickly with the help of a combination of plants, fish, or animals as diet.

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