Causes Of Bad Breath In Men And Treatment

bad breath in men

Bad breath in men, which is medically known as bad breath, is a common problem in men. Bad breath is usually simple and unavoidable. Dietary factors, tobacco, and alcohol can cause bad breath. Poor oral hygiene, gum disease, dental conditions, or oral infections can also cause bad breath. 

Infections of the lungs, sinuses, or respiratory organs can cause bad breath due to the presence of nasal secretions that can enter the mouth. Chronic postnasal drip, such as occurs with a sinus infection, can cause bad breath. Coughing up phlegm from a lung infection can also cause bad breath.

Since ProMenStyle is right here for you, we are acting as a dentist, and today we are listing every possible solution for you to help fight and prevent mouth odor.

To prevent or reduce bad breath: 

  1. Keep your toothbrush at work to use it after meals. Brush your teeth with a fluoride-containing paste at least twice a day, especially after meals. Toothpaste that contains antibacterial properties has been proven to reduce bad breath. 
  2. Floss at least once a day. Proper cleaning-Flossing removes food residue and plaque between your teeth, helping to control bad breath. 
  3. Your tongue nourishes bacteria and when carefully brushed, it can reduce the smell. People with a covered tongue – this is a significant overgrowth of bacteria from smoking, or have a dry mouth, for example, can use a tongue scraper or use a toothbrush with built-in tongue cleaning. 
  4. Clean dentures or devices. If you are wearing a bridge or denture, wash them thoroughly at least once a day or as recommended by your dentist. If you have a dental stopper or lid, brush it every time before putting it in your mouth. Your dentist can recommend the best cleaner for you. 
  5. To prevent dry mouth. To keep your lips moist, avoid tobacco and drink plenty of water — not tea, fizzy drinks, or alcohol, which can lead to a dry mouth. Chew gum or suck on candy bars (preferably sugar-free) to stimulate saliva. For chronic dry mouth, your dentist or doctor may prescribe an artificial saliva preparation or oral administration of the drug that will stimulate the flow of saliva. 
  6. Change your diet. Avoid consuming foods such as onions and garlic, which can cause bad breath. Eat a lot of sugary foods is also associated with bad breath. 
  7. Periodically, a new toothbrush. Change the toothbrush if they are old and do this three to four months, and then choose a soft-bristled toothbrush. 
  8. Plan regular dental checkups. Please consult your dentist regularly, usually twice a year, to check and clean your teeth or dentures.
  9. Try This: When you wake up in the morniing, hold salt water in your mouth for  3-5 minutes before you brush. Salt water removes plaque and cavities faster.

TakeAway:  Great to have you here and we hope you have learned a lot today.

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