A Mother Goes Blind After Getting Tattoos Of Blue and Purple In An Attempt To Look Like An Influencer.

A mother of five regrets not listening to her seven-year-old daughter who warned her that she could go blind if she got her eyeballs tattooed. Anaya Peterson, a 32-year-old law student, is now facing permanent blindness after tattooing her eyeballs blue and purple.  Inspired by “blue-eyed dragon” Amber Luke, an Australian model who got her … Read more

Scientists Say That Highly Processed Foods, Such as Donuts, Cereal, and Pizza, Are Just As Addictive And Harmful As CIGARETTES

On the one hand, there is a widely held view that what is on the shelves of supermarkets falls into one of three categories: food, drugs, and cosmetics. On the other hand, there is a growing chorus of voices who believe that highly-processed foods should be reclassified as drugs. The current processing industry is becoming … Read more

Never Cut Your Meat and Fish Diet – Exhaustion, Low Mood and Being Short Of breath Are All Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Exhaustion, low mood, and being short of breath are all symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency— and the over-60s and vegans are especially at risk. Carly Minsky, in her mid-20s, cut out meat and fish from her diet and was motivated by the health benefits of a plant-based diet. In her first diet style, she felt … Read more

Leslie Jordan Complained Of Shortness Of Breath Before Death

A day before, he had suffered a heart attack and crashed his BMW. Our beloved comedian, Leslie Jordan, was having shortness of breath and was going to have a doctor’s appointment. A new report says that Leslie Jordan had complained of breathing difficulties over the past few weeks and even scheduled a meeting with his … Read more

List Of Brain Improving Games

Can Brain Games Improve Memory? Games are good for entertainment, fun, and refreshment. Especially brain games, give good exercise to your brain. If you play brain-challenging games it helps you increase your thinking ability more. It sharpens your mind and makes you smarter in dealing with mental and critical problems or situations. So brain games … Read more

6 Ways to Ditch Screens If You Want to Give Up Your Smartphone at Night

We love using smartphones day in and day out. We play most of our favorite games on smartphones, watch online videos, and love to stick around with family and friends on social media. All these are cool, but would you want to avoid using your smartphone prolong at night because it makes you wake up … Read more

4 Points On The links between Sleep and Weight loss: What You Need to Know

Point 1 on the Link between Sleep and Weight Loss. We all know that diet and workout are the main strategies to start a weight-loss program. But can sleep also help you retain a healthy weight or even lower a few pounds?   There are more and more studies indicating that not getting sufficient sleep or … Read more

Is The Eight Hours of Sleep Rule a Myth?

The answer is simply No, eight hours of sleep is essential. Sleep loss has general psychological and physiological results, such as damaged memory and body changes, changes to metabolism, and the functioning of the immune system, among other matters. Epidemiological studies suggest that the connection between sleep duration and the risk of developing various fitness … Read more