A Mother Goes Blind After Getting Tattoos Of Blue and Purple In An Attempt To Look Like An Influencer.

Mother going blind after tattooing her eyeballs blue and purple to copy an influencer

A mother of five regrets not listening to her seven-year-old daughter who warned her that she could go blind if she got her eyeballs tattooed.

Anaya Peterson, a 32-year-old law student, is now facing permanent blindness after tattooing her eyeballs blue and purple. 

A Mother Goes Blind After Getting Tattoos Of Blue

Inspired by “blue-eyed dragon” Amber Luke, an Australian model who got her eyeballs inked blue in 2019, Anaya chose to tattoo her own eyeballs without fully understanding the risks. 

After months without complications, Anaya woke up in August 2021 with “swollen” eyelids and checked herself into the hospital’s A&E ward. 

Law student Anaya Peterson, 32, is now losing her sight after she chose to tattoo her eyeballs blue and purple.

Doctors believe she had a reaction to the ink and are concerned she may lose her sight permanently. Anaya has since expressed regret for her decision, saying “I just wanted to be at home watching [TV] to be honest. I can’t even put it into words. It wasn’t nice at all whatsoever.”

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