Drink This To Improve Gut Health And Digestion – SaluBris

1. Watermelon: 
Watermelons are rich in water content and also provide a good amount of fiber which helps to promote a healthy gut by preventing constipation and promoting the regularity of bowel movements.

2. Berries:
Strawberries are rich in fiber, which is essential for the movement of food through your digestive system and also help in bowel movements. This can help improve digestion, especially for those who suffer from constipation or irregular stools. 

3. Mint Leaves:
Traditionally, when it comes to medicinal uses, mint is the most popularly known remedy for digestive problems. They help treat irritable bowel syndrome without producing any side effects.

4. Lime juice:
Lime juice improves digestion awesomely. Limes are acidic, so they help in the breakdown of food with saliva for better digestion. If you experience constipation, then the acidity of limes is what you need to clear the excretory system and stimulate bowel activity.

What you need

  • Watermelon
  • Straw Berries
  • Raspberries
  • Mint leaves
  • Lime juice
  • Ice cubes
  • 1/2 Cup of Water
Salubris GUT

1. Slice and peel watermelon. 
2. Add the sliced watermelons, strawberries, raspberries, and then mint leaves together.
3. Put them together in a blender, add half a cup of water, and blend them together.
4. Serve with ice cubes.

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