Take Garlic But Don’t Make The Mistakes People Do – SaluBris

Garlic is one of the most wonderful natural antibiotic veggies with many wonderful health advantages. Still, many of us don’t know the best way to use or take in garlic to recover from various diseases and to obtain its many benefits.

If you never knew this then, Garlic has lots of benefits that will change your lifestyle forever but must be taken rightly.

Previously as we said, Garlic is one powerful veggie that can be used for various infections whether bacterial, viral, or even fungal and it is known that there are a few others with antibiotic features to cure only bacterial, or only viral, or only fungal but garlic can deal with the three types of infecting microorganisms with 90% effectiveness. 


Garlic is one of the most wonderful natural antibiotic veggies with many wonderful health advantages. Still, many of us don’t know the best way to use or take in garlic to recover from various diseases and to obtain its many benefits. Studies have shown that cooking garlic decreases the amount of allicin and most of the energetic substances in it and therefore the nutritional value of garlic decreases, Today SaluBris will show you the two best ways to take in raw garlic to obtain the highest nutritional worth and many other health benefits.

First of all, One best way to take in garlic is to swallow it and it is also preferable to swallow it on an empty stomach as garlic doesn’t affect or cause severe damage to the stomach. This method is necessary for those who suffer from discomfort or acidity in the stomach because the garlic clove when consumed remains as it is until it gets to the intestines and since the intestine is an alkaline medium garlic disintegrates and releases the active substances, especially allicin. Garlic then acts as an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal as well as an anti-worm where the allicin substance acts as an antiseptic for the intestines for those with a problem with intestinal worms. Garlic itself enhances the role of the hormone cortisone which acts as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant allicin and also helps boost the immune system function and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body system.

Secondly, the benefits of garlic when we take it in mashed or chewed is the emission of the distinctive garlic smell due to the disintegration of allicin and thus its usefulness is significantly reduced but fortunately, it brings out many organic sulfur compounds and antioxidants that are related to promoting good blood circulation and the heart, regulating the level of cholesterol and lowering triglycerides. So therefore to obtain the needed health benefits, we must determine how to take in garlic as when we swallow it whole, we won’t get the maximum benefits for the heart and arteries and burn fat entirely but as we said it has other great benefits in terms of being an anti-inflammatory antioxidant and lowering cholesterol and when we consume garlic mashed or chewed many sulfur compounds and antioxidants are emitted which stimulate blood circulation and the heart reducing triglycerides and also cleaning the liver. 

Therefore mashed garlic is considered a burner of the fat accumulated on the organs, especially the liver, therefore the two methods must be combined namely swallowing a clove of garlic as a whole in the morning on an empty stomach and then eating mashed or chopped garlic with food during lunch and preferably, drinking plenty of water with it thus, obtaining most of the health benefits from garlic to form an integrated strategy for health and healthiness.

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