Don’t Do These And 10 Best Foods To Increase Testosterone Level Naturally – SaluBris

salubris boost testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays an essential function in the male body. In men, it’s thought to control sex drive (libido), body muscles and strength, and the production of sperm.

When you have low testosterone, your energy level reduces, followed by fatigue. Continuous tiredness even after exercise.

Today, Salubris will list foods you need to eat to boost your testosterone and stay like a strong man.

Before we start, here is a list of foods that will put your testosterones low and must avoid.


Anyone with low testosterone levels must limit alcohol intake. Studies prove that a low intake of alcohol will boost testosterone, but excess intake will cause a total decrease in your testosterone level, which is the same in women.

Bread and Pastries.

Diets high in bread and pastries can lower your testosterone level.

Drugs, tobacco, and marijuana

Excess intake can reduce your testosterone gradually and make them imbalanced.


Low testosterone is associated with increased fat mass. Obesity decreases total testosterone and reduces sex hormones.

Poor Sleeping Habit

Studies have shown that skipping sleep decreases testosterone levels. 

So Limit these habits and get the foods to bring back and boost your testosterone below.

Alright, now you know some behaviors that can cause low testosterone. Here are our top ten foods you need to consume to help you boost your testosterone.

1. Tuna and Salmon

Whether canned or eating it fresh, tuna and salmon are rich in vitamin D, which can boost your testosterone production. Besides, tuna and salmon are also rich in protein and low in calories.

2. Tigernuts

Eat tiger nuts for 30 days can increase your testosterone and boost bedwork. Tigernuts contain methanolic extract and vitamins capable of increasing testosterone.

3. Red Meats (Beef)

Over consumption of meat has become a health issue, but the correct intake of beef can help boost the testosterone level in any man due to the presence of zinc and vitamin D.

4. Eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein, omega-3s, and Vitamin D that helps in the production of testosterone. The yolk of an egg can reduce the risks of any cholesterol diseases.

5. Honey

Avoid taking in sugar and start a diet with honey. Honey stimulates the pituitary gland and increases hormones, testosterone, and energy.

6. Cabbage

Through research, healthy men that took 500mg of cabbage daily had their testosterones leveled up.  

7. Garlic 

Garlic plays a perfect role when it comes to leveling up testosterone. Garlic helps boost sperm production and increase the level of testosterone. 

8. Ginger and Ginseng

Leveling up testosterone and increasing blood flow is one job of ginger and ginseng. 

9. Watermelon and lemon juice.

We have provided a health tip on making a juice that would improve your guts, but this juice will level up your testosterone also.

10. Chocolate

Sweet cocoa product, chocolate is high in flavonoid antioxidants, and magnesium, capable of increasing testosterone. 

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