Count Them: Eat These And 5 Tips For A Speedy Flu Recovery

Flu is one contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus. Symptoms from flu are shown about a week later whilst severe flu shows up two to three days. Weakness, sore throat, cough, fever, and headaches are some symptoms of flu.


Right now, it appears like everyone is sick with the flu, so SaluBris nutritionist will show us some natural foods we can eat to prevent and cure the flu.

Here are veggies and fruits you can eat and five tips to boost your immune system and cure flu fast.

1. Apple

Eating more apples boost immunity and contains vitamins and minerals that keep you relaxed and fight the flu.

2. Pineapple

Pineapple juice contains enzymes that fight infections and kills bacteria. It cures sore throat and is also a treatment for flu.

3. Ginger and honey

Ginger and honey tea can soothe a sore throat and help fight the flu. Drinking ginger tea is one of the most powerful cures for flu.

4. Orange

Orange contains vitamins C that helps boost immunity and also fights cold or flu.

5. Carrot

If you never knew, carrots hold antioxidants properties that fight off colds and flu. Carrot juice is an excellent home remedy for the flu.

6. Garlic 

Studies suggest that garlic reduces severe flu and illness though there is not enough evidence to confirm its effectiveness.

7. Raw Honey

Honey is rich in anti-bacteria and capable of healing you from the flu. Local honey is the best to go for. So add honey to water and some lemon juice in a cup.

8. Lemon

During flu, sore throat is common, and one way to cure this is lemon. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, so grab some lemon juice and sip.

9. Cauliflower

Cauli has lots of antioxidants that can help fight the flu.

10. Chicken Soup

Yes, chicken soup. The soup contains not only water but salt as well and research suggested that chicken soup in particular can help reduce colds and flu.

Here are the top five tips to guide you cure flu situations.

1. Relax and stay home.

Plenty of rest is needed for your body to fight the flu. So we would advise you to stay home and have some rest.

2. Stay Hydrated

High fever from flu will make you sweat a lot, so you will need plenty of water to fight the flu. Never take in alcohol or caffeine beverages, they may cause severe flu.

3. Eat Healthy foods

We have listed foods you can eat to fight and cure the flu but also eat healthier foods in this situation to provide the body with many nutrients against the flu.

4. See Your Doctor Regularly

For better results on how your health on flu is, see your doctor regularly. Your Doctor would prescribe the perfect medication to help you stay strong and fight flu.

5. Stay Positive

Having positive thoughts about curing the flu can help you mentally cure the flu. Don’t worry about the headaches, and stuffy nose, just stay positive.

The simplest and best way to recover from flu is to have some rest, enough sleep, and stay hydrated.

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