High Blood Pressure And Stroke Are Linked To Napping, Secrets Revealed – SaluBris

According to CNN health News, people who mostly have a nap, are in greater chance of getting high blood pressure and in other terms may be exposed to stroke.

How Is This Possible 

Neck Napping Pain

“Most people in the attitude of taking naps frequently in order to stay awake during the night are at risk, although taking a nap itself is not harmful, it may result in poor night of rest, and note that poor night of rest can result in a very poorer health. Michael Grandner, a Clinical psychologist in Banner-University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona made a statement “Naps are not all that enough to make up for the poorer night of sleep.
Based on researches and studies, people who take naps during the day were actually 10% to 12% likely to get high blood pressure over time and are likely at 24% to develop stroke as compared with people who never napped.
An American Heart Association journal once said that if a person was below the age of 60s, napping most of their days can put them at risk of having high blood pressure. AHA Journals also concluded that sleeping durations are also essential for optimal and well-functioning heart and brain health.
In Addition, Dr. Phyllis Zee, a director of the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine at a school of Medicine in Chicago said napping increases the incidence of hypertension and also stroke after considering many data items known to be associated with risk for cardiovascular diseases and stroke. 


Salubris Napping Tips
360,000 members gave information on their napping behaviors to UK Biobank, based on a sample of their saliva and urine on regular basis and also, and were questioned for answers. However, the study took only their nap frequency, not the duration of nap, and from Dr. Raj Dasgupta, who is an associate professor of clinical medicine at Keck School of Medicine at University of Southern California said, they didn’t define a nap based on how it should be, whether you’re going to sleep for an hour, or two as an example, that’s not a nap.
Dr. Raj Dasgupta(not a part of the study) then said A good nap that is 15 to 20 minutes around noon to 2 p.m. is 100% one nap to go for if you had a poor night’s sleep. Also, if you are with chronic insomnia we don’t encourage you to nap because it prevents you from sleeping or having a good night’s sleep.

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According to the research, people who smoked cigarettes, had daily drinking, snored, had insomnia, and also reported being active during the night, and cannot get up early. Many of these reasons are influences on having a poor night’s sleep which may result in excessive napping during the day.

He added I do believe that napping is a warning sign resulting in sleeping disorders among individuals and they are linked to being obsessed, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

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