How Can I take Good Care of My Hair – Healthy Hair Journey

Best women hair Tips

Taking care of my hair wasn’t that easy and now that we have numerous hair care tips and some healthy products for hair growth in today’s free internet generation, it makes it easy to know the right tips and best hair products to keep hair healthy.

There are tons of chemicals or healthy hair styling products to clean the hair of people trying to care for their hair, including me. Some of these hair products have vitamins for good skin and hair while others have harsh chemicals that clean the scalp, but also strip off essential sebum and cause scalp irritation or hair loss. 

Today, am with SaluBris to explain some tips on the best treatment for healthy hair and some tips on improving hair health.

How can I take good care of my hair?

Oiling before Washing.

Oiling your hair before washing it is probably one of the best things to do. Apply a generous amount of hydrating hair oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil directly to your scalp and hair. Massage your scalp and hair in circular motions for about 15 minutes and wash it with shampoo. Do this 2-3 times a week. This will provide the best hair vitamins for healthy hair even after shampooing and washing.

Shampoo The Hair.

Talking of healthy thick hair, shampooing plays a role but make sure to use a chemical-free shampoo. When you shampoo, it cleans your scalp from sebum. Sebum is an oily substance that attracts microfauna, and this microfauna feeds on dead skin cells and the produced sebum that then can cause dandruff and other hair-related issues. There are a lot of healthiest shampoos for your hair in stores, but if you don’t know what to choose from, then, you can locate a healthy hair beauty salon and ask for suggestions.

Washing Your Hair.

If you are a regular hair-washing person or not frequently washing your hair, then you need to start washing your hair 3-4 times a week. Dry scalp, dirt, secretions, skin peeling off the scalp, and some hair disorders can be solved through hair washing. Consider washing your hair 3-4 times a week and do not apply too much heat (hot water) to the hair whilst washing, it spoils the quality of the hair. If you are thinking of healthy crown hair, then wash your hair 3-4 times a week.

Use A Natural Conditioner.

Conditioners are good but if you don’t know of any healthy hair conditioner, then you can try a natural ingredients conditioner like a mixture of honey and olive oil, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, banana, oat, and shea butter conditioners which can help protect the hair cuticles and the strands fight against dry skin and hair damages. Furthermore, you can condition your hair and leave it for about an hour before washing hair.

Scarf The Hair.

Cover your hair when you step outdoors, especially during summer or hot days. This method can help you prevent tangles, hair breakage, and exposure to hot weather which enhances the beauty of the hair. On sunny days, the sunlight weakens hair proteins and hair pigments. So, a hat or a scarf can go a long way in protecting the hair and is the best way to keep your hair from this intense sun damage.

Night Care for a Healthy Scalp and Hair growth.

Here are some natural tips to get healthy hair during the night.

Apply Olive Oil on Hair Before Bed to Solve Dull Hair.

Rub a little bit of olive oil on the ends of your hair before going to bed. This is a remedy to dull hair and also gives the hair an extra moisturizing boost.

Apply Apple Cider Vinegar Mask to Cure Damaged Hair.

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil and apply it all over your hair overnight then shampoo and wash your hair the next day.

Use Aloe Vera to reduce Hair Fall.

Aloe vera gel has antifungal and antibacterial properties for the hair.  It prevents the hair from the growth of fungus on the scalp. Aloe Vera is perfect for healing the scalp and bringing the pH balance of the hair to normal. Furthermore, its gel has cleansing properties that clean the pores out and reduce health disorders.

Use Coconut Oil on Hair Before Bed.

If your hair is thin or gets greasy easily, you can apply coconut oil and allow them to sit on your hair overnight for treatment.

In Conclusion

We would advise you not to use hair ties that are made of metal parts, comb the hair a lot, wrongly bleach or dye the hair, apply much heat, and apply different kinds of shampoo and conditioners to the hair. They will cause weak and hair loss.

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