How Harmful Caffeine Could Be To Preggers Mystery

We have not yet seen any label information that warns against the use of caffeine while pregnant. 

From research, people advise that Pregnant Women avoid caffeine, but if you drank coffee before you were pregnant, then there is no harm. So you can go to a coffee shop nearby and get some coffee, sit down and let’s talk about coffee and caffeine.

Can Pregnant Women Drink Coffee | Is Coffee Good for Pregnant Women?

The question can Pregnant women drink coffee or is Coffee good for pregnant women is simple to answer and depends on how much consumption you are having. Several studies have been conducted and proven that caffeine intake can result in spontaneous abortion, congenital malformations, and fetal growth restriction. 

These studies that consuming an amount of more than 300 mg a day or more than 3 cups of instant coffee per day may result in coffee side effects or harmful effects during pregnancy.

Also, some cases have been reported as symptoms of caffeine causing major effects on pregnant women.

Caffeine is a psychoactive substance, which may affect the stages of pregnancy; therefore, it is recommended by the Food Standards Agency that pregnant women shouldn’t take more than 200 mg of caffeine a day. Caffeine in coffee may vary depending on the product you are using, but consuming 1 to 2 cups of coffee which is not more than 200 mg of caffeine a day should not cause any harm to you during pregnancy.

If it is because of tiredness, that’s why you are taking in coffee, then we would advise you to take good naps, eat well-balanced and nutritious food, get some fruits, and always stay hydrated. 

Can You Drink Decaf Coffee While Pregnant |Can Pregnant Women Drink Decaf Coffee.

Caffeinated coffee drinks are known to have energy-boosting effects and also stimulate some organs. However, pregnant women should reduce or avoid caffeine to avoid health risks.

Taking a look at the amount of caffeine found in various foods and drinks.

  • Regular espresso: A shot of espresso contains about 63 mg of caffeine.
  • Regular brewed coffee: A cup of brewed coffee contains about 70–140 mg of caffeine or an average of 95 mg.
  • Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate contains 12 milligrams of caffeine per ounce.
  • Milk chocolate: Contains 9 mg of caffeine/1.55 ounces.
  • Energy drinks: 74 mg for 240 g (1 serving).
  • Brewed black tea: 47 mg /8-ounce (240-mL) serv.
  • Cola: 33 mg per 12-ounce (27.2 mg).
  • Hot chocolate: 5 mg per cup (250 g).

This makes it clear that the amount of caffeine in decaf coffee is minimal but there is some commercial decaffeinated coffee with higher caffeine content. One study found out decaffeinated coffee may increase the chances of miscarriage even more than regular coffee, possibly because some manufacturers use potentially toxic solvents to extract the caffeine content from coffee. If you want to be on the safest pregnancy journey, then avoid coffee and decaf coffee.

How Much Caffeine During Pregnancy.

From our research, The Food Standards Agency recommended that every pregnant woman thinking of having a cup of coffee or any product with caffeine should make sure they don’t take more than 200mg of caffeine a day. 

We all love Coca-Cola, and a can of Coca‑Cola Classic contains 32mg of caffeine and a can of Diet Coke contains 42mg as recommended by the Food Standards Agency, you can drink coca cola but not in excess.

What To Drink instead of Coffee When I am Pregnant.

You don’t have to eliminate caffeine from your life. However, it’s best to keep your daily caffeine intake below 200 mg while pregnant, according to The Food Standards Agency.

But if you want to replace caffeine drinks with a new and healthy drink, then here is a list you can start with.


During pregnancy, there is a need to stay hydrated. You are advised to drink 8 to 12 cups of(64 to 96 ounces) of water every day.

Herbal Tea.

Most Green teas contain caffeine but peppermint and ginger tea can help to soothe the symptoms of morning sickness during pregnancy periods.

Homemade Fruit Juice.

Fruit juice drinks are simple to make, all you need is a squeeze or blender to blend the fruit to transform them into healthy fruit drinks. Here is a list of fruit juice pregnant women can drink and avoid excess caffeine foods.

  • Orange Juice helps in healthy fetal development. It provides calcium and reduces high blood pressure.
  • Banana Juice solves pregnancy-related constipation, has vitamin B-6 to relieve vomiting, and is a high-fiber drink.
  • Apple juice can help promote a strong and healthy heart. It also reduces heartburn during pregnancy. Apples are known to help cleanse and detoxify components essential for periods of pregnancy.
  • Mango Juice is high in vitamin C and also a host of nutrients that are beneficial to preggers.
  • Watermelon. Watermelon is high in vitamins A, C, and B6. It contains magnesium that helps the muscles to relax, and prevent premature contractions during pregnancy. It is a great cure to fight morning sickness, and prevent dehydration.

Greats to have a Pregger here, we wish you a safe and happy delivery. Stay Strong, Healthy, and Happy. Make The Husband happy.

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