How To Make Mashke| Mashed Kenkey| Ice Kenkey

mashed kenkey

Yes, today we have someone from Ghana who is going to show us how to make Ghana’s number one easy and simple to do food known as Mashke or Mashed Kenkey or Ice Kenkey.

Health Benefit of Kenkey.

Kenkey is a carbohydrate food with low protein, low fat, and high fiber, and protects the body from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Furthermore, It helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and lowers blood pressure.

You will need 

  • 2 or 3 Kenkey (Fante)
  • Milk
  • Groundnut
  • Sugar or Honey


  1. Peel or remove the cover of the Fante Kenkey. 
  2. Break them into pieces and add a cup of groundnut then put them into a blender. Put the groundnut first before the Kenkey.
  3. Now add some Iced water and cube to the kenkey in the blender and blend.
  4. After blending, transfer the blended kenkey into a clean jug and add a cup of milk and some sugar. Make sure not to use too much sugar. You can replace sugar with honey.
  5. Now stir completely for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves and keep in a refrigerator.

Serve raw or with bread or any pastry. 

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