Peptic Ulcer Disease: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes …

small intestine ulcer treatment

There are lots of different kinds of ulcers including Small Intestine ulcer treatment or Peptic ulcer, Duodenal ulcer, Esophageal Ulcer, and more. Cancerous stomach ulcers or Gastric ulcers such as Prepyloric and duodenal ulcers and Peptic ulcers cause vomiting blood, blood in stools, and black stools. Prepyloric and duodenal ulcers are mostly associated with the blood group O. 

These kinds of disorders need critical care from your Doctor

An ulcer is painful, it causes burning and sores in stomach. It is also associated with the risk of cancer, bleeding, and stomach perforation. Stomach acids make the pain even worse when you have an empty stomach or have not eaten.

Peptic Ulcer is one common ulcer and in the United States, a number of four million people have peptic ulcers whilst about 350,000 new cases are recorded each year. Four times as many people have gastric ulcers or cancerous stomach ulcers.

So today, we are enlightening you about Peptic ulcers. Grab a pen and let’s put some peptic ulcer tips down.

First of All, What is a Peptic ulcer?

Peptic Ulcer or Small intestine ulcer is simply an erosion in the mucosal lining or wall of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine. People with peptic ulcers often feel a burning sensation or sour in the stomach. Mostly the pain goes down when you take in food or drink milk. People with peptic ulcers mostly are associated with Duodenal ulcers which tend to cause severe stomach pain at night preventing you from having a good night’s sleep. 

What are the Causes Of Peptic Ulcers?

I was once a Peptic Ulcer patient and there were some observations that I made that helped me identify what caused me to get Peptic Ulcer. These ways even made the ulcer severe.

Here are 7 common causes of Peptic Ulcers I Discovered.

1. Not Eating InThe Morning Regular or On Time.

I had a peptic ulcer when I started skipping meals and not eating in the morning regularly. I wake up late and have to skip a meal for work. Doing this regularly, showed the first effect of a Peptic ulcer, that’s the burning sensation.

2. Consuming Excess Energy Drinks.

Am a fan of energy drinks, and energy drinks cause gastritis in people when they consume them regularly. It causes inflammation in the stomach and contributes to an ulcer. This is because they are made up of a high level of caffeine.

3. Regular Intake Of Caffeine Foods.

If you have no signs of stomach ulcers, then taking excess caffeine foods to stay active or awake without having your diet regularly would get you a Peptic ulcer. 

What Happens When I Drink Caffeine On An Empty Stomach.

When you take in caffeine foods, especially on an empty stomach, it speeds up the gastric emptying process, which then causes the stomach acidic contents to pass through the small intestine rapidly and cause ulcers. 

4. Peptic Ulcer Can Be Caused By Helicobacter Pylori Infection.

You can get Peptic ulcers through contaminated food or water and also through the direct contact of saliva from an infected person. Yes, They are bacteria, that damage the stomach tissue and cause painful sores in the stomach after some weeks depending on how strong your antibodies are.

5. Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory Can Cause Cancer.

NSAIDs are a drug that is used to block inflammation in the body but the more you take them, the more it interferes with the ability of the stomach to fight against gastric acids hence causing ulcers. Furthermore, it weakens the stomach barrier.

6. Smoking.

7. Excess In Taking of Spicy foods.

ulcer peptic treatments

How do I Know I Have Peptic Ulcer – Symptoms.

Signs of stomach ulcer in women, men, or even kids may vary depending on the type of ulcer. Here are some common symptoms of Peptic ulcer.

  1. Bloating  
  2. Stomach Burn
  3. burping 
  4. Poor appetite 
  5. Vomiting 
  6. Weight loss.

Most ulcers have the same symptoms, so note that the above symptoms can show up in any other form of ulcer.

How To Treat Peptic Ulcer.

Can We Treat Peptic Ulcer, Yes but with guidance. 

Here are the 10 best practices and treatments for peptic ulcers.

  1. The doctor is the best option.
  2. Eat Early and Often and make sure to eat healthy foods.
  3. Avoid Caffeine Foods.
  4. No Smoking
  5. No Alcohol Drinking.
  6. Instead of energy drinks, switch to Coconut juice.
  7. Drink water before you go to bed and drink again right from bed.
  8. Reduce stress periods.
  9. Get enough rest.
  10. Exercise more.

Home Remedies For Peptic Ulcer.

  1. Ginger Tea, Tigernut Ginger Tea, and Green Tea are good herbal tea for you. Luckily, we have how to make all these teas here. 
  2. Drinking rubbed Momordica foetida (Nyanya) leaves juice can help cure peptic ulcers.
  3. You can add Cucumber, White and Green Cabbage, and Garlic to your dish.
  4. Instead of Sugar intake try Honey
  5. Eat fruits like Coconut, Banana, and Apple.

What Worsens Stomach Ulcers.

  1. Processed Foods with high salt.
  2. Alcohol 
  3. Caffeine
  4. Too much added sugar foods.
  5. Fried foods.
  6. Spicy Foods when the ulcer is severe.


Peptics are usually bacteria-causing stomach ulcers that create blisters in the stomach. To know whether you have a Gastric or Duodenum ulcer, know that the ulcer in your stomach is a gastric ulcer, and an ulcer in the duodenum is called a duodenal ulcer. Ulcers are fairly common. Aside from burning pain in the center of the chest, esophageal ulcers typically cause a burning sensation behind or below the sternum. 

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