Groundbreaking 5 Ways To Give Your Appearance A Boost – SaluBris

If you know you are a good-looking guy or a handsome guy and want to look good more, then here are five top rules to follow to boost your appearance. 


1. Read More Books.

According to experts, reading books when at home or anywhere you find yourself can improve your crystallized intelligence which sums up more boost to your appearance. Reading books boost your brain power, makes you empathetic, and makes you feel relaxed. This makes your IQ go up, this makes the people say this guy is on purpose.

2. Rub Ice on your face.

Maybe you had a stressful day, a rough night, you couldn’t sleep, or you spent a lot of time outside making your face swollen, then you need to rub ice on your face. Rubbing ice on your face glows your face, improves blood circulation around your face, and also makes it bright. It reduces puffy eyes and wrinkled facial skin. So grab some ice and rub them over your face to make you look better.

3. Always Carry Your Favorite Fragrance.

If you are a guy that sweats a lot like me, then you need to carry your favorite fragrance to boost your appearance. You can carry it in your pocket, or backpack or live it in your office to boost your appearance.

4. Rep Out Push Ups.

Every morning right after bed, we will recommend you to start with five to ten reps and increase it from there every single morning. Reps will help you build ripped body abs. Push-ups will make the blood circulate through your body, increasing your energy and making you boost your appearance so everyone would think how energetic you are. 

5. Before you Shave, Exfoliate.

The best way to boost your appearance also is to practice exfoliating before shaving. This is because exfoliating removes any dirt and skin cells that are dead from your skin surface, which makes your skin clean. Exfoliating will remove the bumps also to prevent cuts when you move your razor over your smooth skin. So exfoliate before shaving.

And these are the top five ways to boost your appearance you guys should start doing. Thank you.

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