Queen Elizabeth’s 10 Daily Secrets That Helped Her Live 96 Years SaluBris

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926, and died on September 8, 2022, making her 96 years and four months old.

Not only did Queen Elizabeth live long but it also made her the longest-reigning monarch in the history of English. In February, she tested positive for Covid, and her husband Prince Philip died at age 99 in 2021. Though she was old, Queen Elizabeth herself experienced a series of health scares and surely might have passed through lots of stress but she was still remarkably healthy, too. 

However, she was able and well enough to officially appoint Liz Truss as the newly elected Prime Minister two days before she died.

How did Queen Elizabeth live so long? Although Queen Elizabeth was with good genetics, she had a good and healthy lifestyle. She had some famously great health habits and we know if you follow these healthy tips of Queen Elizabeth, you will be happy and healthy.

1. Never Skipped Breakfast.

Early morning meals were a necessity for Queen Elizabeth. She ate her breakfast every day at 8:30 a.m. with her husband, Prince Philip. But she doesn’t arrive at the table on an empty stomach to eat at 8:30 a.m. In fact, Once she’s up at 7:30, she enjoys a pot of hot Earl Grey tea alongside some tea biscuits. She takes her tea with sans sugar(a sugar type with high vitamin C, anti-cancer, and antioxidant qualities), and doesn’t mind adding a little milk. 

2. She Had A Pet.

Studies suggest that Pets can contribute to a longer life. They help to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, lower health care costs, reduce your risk of diabetes, and create a connection with us that helps to reduce stress and obesity.

Elizabeth had adorable dogs and was always devoted to them, an example was spending time with her corgis. 

3. Sufficient Sleep.

Everyone needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Sleeping less can affect your physical strength and endurance. It also affects your heart and mental health leading to the risk of short life.

According to research, Queen Elizabeth slept at 11 pm each night and woke up at 7:30 which was an eight hours sleep. 

4. Horseback Riding.

Horse riding is fun and also great exercise. One important role of horse riding is getting a mental workout. So horse riding during the Queen’s young age also contributed to her having a sharp mind. 

Other benefits of horse riding included getting enough fresh air, cardio exercise improves coordination, and brings improvement in core strength and posture. Regular exercise is one healthy way of reducing cognitive decline associated with aging. The type of exercise didn’t matter greatly, so just get some shoes and let’s go hiking, cycling, a walk, jogging or running, they are beneficial.

5. She Enjoy Nature.

The Queen loves gardening and walking outdoors. They were the two favorite hobbies of the queen and she was often photographed walking through garden shows. She kept plants indoors which help her improve mentally. 

Based on research, we had a piece of good news for nature lovers: Nature helps to improve physical health, it also helps to improve moods, reduce stress and anger, makes you more active, improvement in your confidence, reduces loneliness, and reduces aging. Furthermore, nature lowers stress hormones, helps to slow your heart rate, and reduces blood pressure.

6. Close Family and Friends.

Knowing how to communicate in a family and friend relationship is crucial but for Queen Elizabeth, it was simply. She had healthy and honest communication in her marriage with Prince Philips for more than 73 years and being a part of a high-profile family can be also complicated.

Some research has shown that loneliness and isolation affect physical and mental health. It increases high blood pressure, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and obesity, weakens the immune system, and even causes death.

7. Smiling and Laughing.

Queen Elizabeth loved a good joke. For instance, when a tourist met and told the Queen that she “looked a lot like the Queen” she retorted “Well, that’s reassuring!”.

Smile and Laughter are great expressions. When you smile, your brain releases neuropeptides that help to fight stress. Smiling and laughter also help to stimulate many body organs, stimulate the heart, lungs, and muscles, and enhance the intake of oxygen.

8. Afternoon Tea Was A Must.

The Queen’s favorite snack was always brought to her every afternoon, an Afternoon Tea. This meal was a tradition in the United Kingdom since around 1840. The recipe for Queen Elizabeth’s afternoon tea snack was simple. All she needed was two slices of soft white bread with strawberry jam served with tea with sans sugar(a sugar type with high vitamin C, anti-cancer, and antioxidant qualities).

9. Loves to Eat fish and Seafood.

When McGrady described the queen’s diet and favorite foods, He said she loved to eat fish and seafood and one of her favorite dishes is fresh-caught salmon from the River Dee.

Sea foods are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and B, high in protein, and low in saturated fats. Furthermore, Eric Rimm, professor of epidemiology and nutrition, said eating fish every day is better than eating beef daily.

10. Gave Up Her Favorite Drink.

According to Research, the Queen’s favorite drink of choice is often a dry martini which was also Prince Charles’s favorite. The Queen usually enjoyed a glass of sweet wine during dining and she was known to drink a glass of champagne before bed according to her late cousin Margaret Rhodes.

But now, her doctors wanted to make sure she is as fit and healthy as possible, so she had to quit those gins and stick to only imbibing water and certain soft drinks.


Adding to the above health tips learned from Queen Elizabeth, smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks, and caffeine foods should be consumed little or not consumed. A good diet with nuts and good exercise can also help you to live healthier and longer.

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