Amazing: How To Make Lemon Juice To Lose Fat Hacks – SaluBris

Lemon is known to be one of the best options to go for if you want to lose weight. Lemon contains antioxidants and is rich in Vitamin C to promote good digestion.

Excess salt in the body can make you gain fats but lemon has diuretic properties that fight and helps lose weight.

Though lemon has not 100% proof that it reduces weight, there are some ingredients you can add that will make you lose some weight in a few days.

Here is A Recipe to Help You Lose Weight.

What you need is only lemon and ginger.

  • Just Wash your lemon and cut it in half without peeling.
  • Put them in a cooking boil. 
  • Wash without peeling and slice your ginger into the cooking bowl.
  • Now add a cup of water and boil it.
  • After 15 to 20 min, sieve and pour the juice into a jug.
  • Drink a cup two times daily, in the morning and evening.

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