The 8 Best Things About Coconut Water – SaluBris

Coconuts are probably natural plants from the palm tree family that can be used for food to provide nutrition and as a source for making shelter. 

coconut water health benefits

Coconut Water is a naturally occurring liquid found in coconuts that contains more potassium, sodium, essential sugar, electrolytes, and vitamins. Coconut itself contains 1,480kJ of energy, 15.23g of carbohydrates, 6.23g of sugar, fats, protein, vitamins B6, C, E, and K, calcium, iron, zinc, and a whole lot of nutrients you never knew. 

Based on research, In India, patients are advised by Doctors to drink more coconut water due to the proportional nutrients it has and how it is capable of recovering patients.

Taking Coconut water, we would advise you to get the natural coconut water and not the processed one or companies made coconut juice since they contain sugar and calories.

1. Preferred As Energy Drink For Sports.

Sometimes energy drinks become a hazard to the body when taken in excess and in this way, coconut was recommended by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University) as a natural drink that has all the essential nutrients to boost you during sports. It also has potassium which can get rid of muscle cramps.

2. Stay Hydrated Sometimes With Coconut.

There is evidence proving that coconut water is highly safe and has no calories, though it might not keep you more hydrated like water. Consuming at least 1-2 glasses of coconut water a day can give you a daily boost. It will also enhance your skin a natural glow.

3. Dermo Care/ Skin Care.

Traditionally, coconut water is a treatment for good skin tone. It moisturizes the skin and makes it soft and fresh. All you need to do is rub coconut water on dry areas of the skin. Coconut Water can also be used for bathing or mixed with shower gel since it contains vitamins like B2, B3, and C which are essential for skin care.

4. Solve Most Hair Issues.

Have you ever asked why most products include coconut in their hair care creams? Coconut water has the potential to protect and repair hair loss and dryness. It gives your hair a smooth and beautiful look by strengthening the hair sacs, and cell growth and keeps the hair strong by stimulating your scalp. 

5. Heart healthy drink.

Being a rich source of potassium and magnesium, it maintains the flow of blood and reduces blood pressure at a point as time goes on. It is a cure for some heart-related diseases. 

6. Good for Intestinal disturbances.

Coconut plays a vital role when it comes to stomach aches and some stomach disorders. It is rich in antioxidants and helps in relief from excess and harmful gas in the body.

7. Kills intestinal worms.

A teaspoon of coconut water and castor oil can be a useful remedy for intestinal worms. It checks urinary infections and keeps the body healthy.

8. Good for weight loss

Coconut is low in calories, has natural sugar, and contains potassium which improves metabolic rates in the body. Sugary drinks are a major cause of weight gain, so replacing them with coconut water can be helpful in weight loss. 

We would only advise you not to take it in excess.

Now you know the benefits of coconut water, then coconut water can be the right choice for adults and kids who are looking for a beverage that is less sweet or healthy.

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