Do Successful People Who Are Living Their Dream Lives Ever Suffer From Depression? – SaluBris

What is depression itself?

Being Depressed means a common and serious illness that affects mental health based on how you feel, think and do things but have you ever asked yourself if successful people or great peoples go into depression even though they have what it takes to make them happy?


Wealth means much when it comes to happiness but there are portions of joy, that wealth can’t get. I know of a Doctor loved by everyone, had pleasing PhDs but killed himself one night out of depression not that he had no wife or friends. Depression is one chemical danger to mental health; when you are depressed with less self-control you can commit suicide. 

Everyone gets depressed gradually no matter how rich or successful you are. In this world, no income, success, status, or even love from anyone can stop depression. 

In 2016, well-known WWE and MMA fighter Ronda Rousey disclosed she wanted to commit suicide after her loss to Holly Him, Elton john was a musician who wrote the song “Someone Saved My Life Tonight” also tried to kill himself in a deadly gas, Princess Diana of Wales also attempted suicide because of a prince, and also the well known Eminem also attempted to commit suicide in 1996. These were all forms of depression so being wealthy doesn’t mean you won’t someday get depressed. 

Depression is a monster and can happen to anyone even if no one wants to show how depressed they are.

How Do I Fight Depression Then

Experts and Doctors advise depressed people to exercise regularly, going for jogging, cycle, eat healthy foods, enough sleep, and indulge in events with more people are some ways depression can be reduced.

Have you ever been depressed before, share what you went through below?

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