Vitamins You Get From Eating Apples Regularly

The apple is one of the most complete and healthy fruits that you can consume, and as the English saying indicates, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away from you. There are many varieties and all of them have numerous benefits: green apple, golden apple, red apple, among others. Well, we want you to know in detail the properties and benefits of apples and to discover the positive effects they have on our health. Do you want to know what vitamins the apple has? Next, we give you the answer in detail.

Benefits of eating apples

The apple, the fruit of a tree called apple tree, is one of the healthiest fruits that we can find, it provides great benefits to our body thanks to its nutritional composition. There are more than a thousand varieties of apples around the world (green apple, golden apple, red apple, pippin apple, red apple …) and all of them have two common characteristics: they have a low caloric intake, about 80 kcal per piece, and a great wealth of nutrients. The properties of the apple make this fruit one of the healthiest for our body and therefore it is recommended to always include it in our diet. Discover all the benefits of the apple :

Intestinal regulator

Thanks to the fiber and pectins contained in the apple pulp, this fruit acts effectively on our digestive system by regulating intestinal transit. The ability of these substances to swell with water facilitates peristalsis, which is contractions and relaxations of the digestive tract. In addition, they allow the absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, or magnesium, although, in turn, they block the passage of cholesterol to the cells of the intestinal surface.

If you consume apple with the peel you will avoid constipation, since the highest amount of fiber is concentrated in its skin. On the other hand, if what you want is to combat diarrhea, the ideal is to consume it peeled, to be able to be grated.

Fight obesity

Satiating effects and low-calorie intake are the keys that make apple a fruit that helps fight obesity. Including the apple, in the diet and with the realization of moderate sport the way to the overweight will be avoided.

Effective against decay

Since the apple is one of the fruits with the highest fructose content, it is perfect to combat low blood glucose. With the consumption of this natural sugar, you will avoid tiredness, dizziness, and fatigue, especially between meals.

Stops bleeding

The vitamin C provided by the apple helps to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and at the same time facilitates the healing of wounds since it stimulates the formation of collagen. For all these reasons, the apple is an ally against hemorrhages or against spontaneous bleeding from the nose and gums.

Satiating effect

Thanks to its high composition of water (85%), vitamins, and minerals, the apple has a great satiating effect. In addition, it helps the cells to have an adequate level of hydration. It can be consumed as an isotonic drink, since it reduces thirst, while hydrating and refreshing.

Strengthen hair and nails

Thanks to its contribution of iron, it makes it possible to strengthen hair and nails. In addition, it also contains vitamin B5, one of the vitamins that promote hair regeneration.

Improve memory

Its high content of vitamin B1 and B6 make apples effective in strengthening memory and, in turn, help prevent or mitigate mental exhaustion. They are also a source of phosphorus, potassium, and sodium, essential minerals in nerve conduction.

Immune booster

The high content of vitamin C present in the apple favors the stimulation of immune cells, which translates into an effective reinforcement of our defenses. Daily apple consumption can help prevent colds, colds, and flu.

Against cholesterol

Its high fiber and pectin content help to drastically reduce cholesterol and also has a purifying function. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce the apple in our diet, in order to avoid the absorption of cholesterol in our body.

Helps growth

The apple is a source of phosphorus and calcium, two essential minerals in the formation and development of the bone structure. In addition, its contribution to vitamin C and vitamins of group B allows the growth and development of the muscles. Taking apples in the growing season will help it to develop optimally.

Increased muscle capacity

Apples stand out for their high vitamin content and this has a positive effect on our muscles. Vitamin B1 prevents muscle fatigue, vitamin B2 improves energy production and vitamin B6 is involved in the proteins that form muscle mass. All of them are present in the composition of the apple and allow us to increase our muscular capacity.

Against acne

Acne is a common problem that can also decrease with the introduction of apples to your diet. Being a source of water will help you keep your skin hydrated and healthier. Likewise, it does not contain fat or refined sugars that can promote its appearance.

Nutritional value of the apple

As we have previously pointed out, from a nutritional point of view, the apple is one of the most complete fruits that exist. Its high content of vitamins, minerals, and fiber provides it with a high nutritional value. Do you wonder what are the properties of apples? 

These are its most prominent nutrients :


85% of the composition of an apple is water. This not only makes it a low-calorie fruit, but it is also a refreshing and hydrating food.


In apples, carbohydrates are basically in the form of fructose and, to a lesser extent, in the form of glucose and sucrose. All these hydrates are easily absorbed by our bodies.


Among the minerals present in the apple, potassium stands out, essential to transmit and generate the nervous impulse, help muscle activity and promote kidney function, but it is not the only mineral that this fruit contains. In small quantities, minerals such as zinc, iodine, boron, selenium, magnesium, fluorine, or sulfur are observed. All of them help to carry out and favor the processes that take place in our cells.


If apples are characterized by something, it is because of their high fiber content. In general, an apple is estimated to provide approximately 3 grams of fiber. Although this nutrient is quite present in the skin of the apple, we can also find it in the pulp and it is basically composed of cellulose and pectin. Both substances help regulate intestinal transit, so their consumption is not only effective in stimulating lazier intestines, but also helps alleviate diarrhea.


The apple is a fruit rich in vitamins, among which vitamin A, vitamin E or tocopherol and vitamin C stand out, of which its antioxidant function stands out, and vitamin B, present in the form of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, and vitamin B6, promote nerve functions. Although the other nutrients may be similar, in terms of vitamins, not all varieties of apples have the same proportion.

  • Pippin: it is the apple with the highest vitamin C content, about 11 mg per piece.
  • Granny Smith: it is the second apple in the ranking and has about 7.3 mg per piece.
  • Golden: among the vitamins of the Golden apple there is also vitamin C with 5 mg per apple.
  • Red apple: its proportion of vitamin C is 3.6 mg.
The other apples, such as the green apple, also contain vitamin C, although these stand out for the presence of other nutrients such as their high content of flavonoids.


Flavonoids are a group of phytonutrients, that is, plant chemicals that are usually present in fruits and vegetables. In the case of the apple, it should be noted that it is a fruit very rich in flavonoids such as quercetin, which has antioxidant properties, and tannins, which have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. On the other hand, apples also contain organic acids such as tartaric and malic.

Protein and fat

They are the scarcest nutrients in apples. The amount of protein and fat is small if you compare it with other nutrients present in this fruit.

What types of diseases does the apple help prevent?

After seeing the benefits and nutritional value of apples, you should know that the consumption of this fruit is highly beneficial for health. This translates into an improvement in the functioning of our body and, therefore, in the prevention of the appearance of certain diseases. As we have seen, apples strengthen our defenses and improve the function of our immune system. Next, we provide you with a list of diseases that the apple helps to prevent :

Heart diseases

Since apples help prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the body, they are able to reduce the risk of heart disease, also chronic. The apple is a complete food rich in antioxidants that fight inflammation and reduce the risk of suffering from cerebrovascular diseases.

Digestive health

The high fiber content improves the digestive health of the body. It reduces bloating, relieves constipation, and calms an upset stomach, fighting digestive problems such as diarrhea.


Apples are very rich in flavonoids. These phytonutrients are effective in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, in addition, they fight inflammation and premature aging, thanks to antioxidants that act against free radicals. Thus, the apple is perfect for relieving oxidative stress and slowing down normal cognitive decline.


5 or more servings of apple combined with other fruits, a healthy and balanced diet, and moderate sports can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes. This is because apples are rich in a specific polyphenol that helps improve insulin sensitivity.


Regular apple consumption, at least twice a week, can reduce the risk of asthma and also helps reduce bronchial hypersensitivity, so this fruit is very effective for those with respiratory problems.

Bone strengthening

The apple contains numerous minerals that can help strengthen our bone structure. These include calcium, phosphorus, and boron, an essential mineral to prevent osteoporosis, increase muscle mass and improve brain function.

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