Study Finds New Chickenpox Variant Circulating in India! Here’s All You Need to Know About It

Study Finds New Chickenpox Variant Circulating in India! Here’s All You Need to Know About It

India is presently experiencing dual health crises at the same time: on the one hand, there are worries about the Nipah virus reappearance in Kerala, while on the other side, daily COVID-19 cases are approaching a hundred after months. Furthermore, there has been a statewide increase in mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune have discovered another troublesome viral variation circulating in the country: a Clade 9 version of the chickenpox-causing varicella-zoster virus (VZV).

Furthermore, its identification raises concerns regarding its differences and parallels with previously identified variations in India, as well as its potential impact, particularly on vulnerable groups.

All of the commonly asked questions concerning the varicella-zoster virus and its recently discovered version are answered below.

What exactly is chickenpox? What are the roots of the new Clade 9 VZV variant?

The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox, a common pediatric infection. This virus is known to cause shingles in adults.

So far, its Clade 9 strain has been identified as the most prevalent variety in circulation in nations like as Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, scientists discovered the Clade 9 strain for the first time in India, in addition to the previously known Clade 1 and Clade 5 variations, in recent research.

A clade is just a group or subtype that descended from a common ancestor.

What are the signs and symptoms of Clade 9 VZV?

Clade 9 VZV infection causes symptoms similar to chickenpox. It is distinguished by painful rashes that grow to blisters and eventually fall off as scabs. Fever, exhaustion, and loss of appetite, headache, and fatigue are some of the other symptoms.

Symptoms usually occur within 2-3 weeks after viral infection. Rashes, on the other hand, evolve more quickly in this type.

Is it more harmful than previous strains that have been identified?

Despite the fact that Clade 9 VZV is a novel type for India, there were no significant signs of increased disease severity in patients as compared to ordinary chickenpox, according to research author and NIV scientist Dr Pragya Yadav.

However, its identification emphasizes the significance of monitoring and genetic surveillance of infections across the country in order to detect possible dangers early.

Is there a cure for this new chickenpox strain?

The treatment strategy for the new variety differs in no way. The primary goal of therapy is to alleviate symptoms and pain. Healing can be aided by over-the-counter drugs, soothing baths, and staying hydrated.

However, in severe cases and consequences, such as central nervous system involvement, prompt medical intervention is required.

How can you avoid getting varicella-zoster?

The first line of defense against chickenpox is to ensure that children are immunized as recommended by their doctor or the immunization guidelines.

However, following immunization, breakthrough infections can occur, albeit with lesser symptoms. As a result, appropriate hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, can help lower the risk of infection.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chickenpox is infectious 1 to 2 days before rash development until scab formation, thus avoid close contact with patients throughout the duration of infectivity.

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