Heart Healthy: Signs of a Heart Attack and Other Common Heart Issues

Heart Healthy: Signs of a Heart Attack and Other Common Heart Issues

Cardiovascular problems impact roughly half of all individuals in the United States. Despite how prevalent it is, many individuals are unaware of the symptoms of a heart attack.

Many individuals grow up seeing a heart attack as a movie scenario, with someone holding their chest before collapsing. However, this is not always the case.

You can obtain treatment as soon as you learn more about the true signs of a heart attack. Variable symptoms may also reflect a common cardiac condition in some circumstances.

Discovering the symptoms of a heart attack might save someone’s life (or even your own).

1. Stomach Problems

If you suffer stomach pains, you may believe you have a bug. Perhaps anything you ate disturbed your stomach. However, gastrointestinal problems might arise during a heart attack in some situations.

These are some of the symptoms of a heart attack:

1. Nausea and indigestion

2. stomach ache

3. Heartburn

4. Vomiting

Nausea, for example, might signal that you have atherosclerotic disease (a heart condition that affects your blood vessels).

2. Chest Aches

Cardiovascular disorders are the leading cause of mortality globally. Every year, they claim over 18 million lives.

These individuals frequently complain of chest pain. This ache might indicate an arterial blockage. You might also feel pressure or stiffness in your chest.

If your symptoms linger more than a few minutes, dial 911 right away.

Chest symptoms may also suggest atherosclerotic or valvular heart disease in rare circumstances.

3. Tiredness and dizziness

If you haven’t eaten enough to eat or drink, you may feel dizzy or lightheaded. If you are also experiencing chest discomfort, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Shortness of breath may also signify atherosclerosis or a heart infection.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is another possibility if you have shortness of breath, weariness, or dizziness. If you have dilated cardiomyopathy, or a weak heart, you may not notice any symptoms in the early stages.

4. Unusual Heartbeat

If you’re enthusiastic or worried, your heart rate will certainly increase. An irregular heartbeat can also be caused by a high coffee intake or a lack of sleep. It may, however, occasionally signify atrial fibrillation, which needs medical treatment.

Heart arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat, is frequently associated with additional symptoms such as fainting, chest discomfort, or shortness of breath.

5. Arm and leg discomfort

Aside from chest aches, discomfort that extends to the limbs and legs is a frequent indication of a heart attack. Swelling in your ankles, feet, and legs is also possible. These signs imply that your heart isn’t beating rapidly enough.

If you observe any of these indicators of heart disease, consult a doctor and get your blood pressure checked.

The atherosclerotic disease can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the arms and legs. If you have a congenital heart problem, you may also suffer swelling in these regions.

An Important Heart to Heart: 5 Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Do not put off seeking therapy. If you see any of these indicators of a heart attack, get immediate medical attention. Understanding these signs can help you get the care you need before it’s too late.

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