Fear grips Nogokpo as a former assemblyman is discovered dead in his home

According to reports coming in from the Volta Region, inhabitants of a town near Nogokpo have been seized by panic following the strange death of a former Assembly man.

The residents of Yelibato awoke on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, to the news that Christian Kwame Amuzu had hung himself to death, according to the state-owned Ghana News Agency (GNA).

Amuzu, 60, was previously the Assemblyman for Nogokpo-Ativuta.

The late Assemblyman’s wife, Baby Amuzu, informed the GNA that on the day of his death, he refused to transport the children to school as he normally did, but she could not explain why.
Baby stated that she felt obligated to take the children to school due to the abrupt shift in her husband’s daily routine.
When she arrived home, she discovered her husband dead, hanging from a rope in their living room.
Baby Amuzu stated that her husband never mentioned any personal concerns to her or indicated that he was thinking about suicide.
The Agbozume Police command has opened investigations into the incident.

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